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Ryan, being blown off by Mina, went back to visit Chani. He was hoping that he pushed Chani off the edge and was ready to give Ryan his soul. When he walked into the room Chani stood up and walked up to him, Willow had left and Chani was alone to face Ryan. "There's nothing left for me, except my mother but she hasn't visited me in a while. Maybe she's given up hope too." Chani said to him, Ryan smirked and nodded. Before Chani was able to open his mouth and give Ryan permission to take his soul, the room faded away. He was on a street across from a park, he recognized the area and knew the only reason he was here was because Mina, he began to mentally prepare himself to talk with her as he walked across the street and into the park. Mina had gone there to think about everything and figured out the feeling she felt in her stomach, that had been bothering her for so long, was the absence of Chani.

She missed him. That was what made her worried, that's what made her conflicted. As Chani walked in, he saw Mina slowly swaying back and forth on a swing, she looked sad, he began to make his way towards her. He felt that he shouldn't speak with her, but seeing her in this state made him feel horrible. He walked up to the swing next to her and sat on it. "Are you okay?" he said softly to her. Mina looked up then jumped up. She hugged him, which almost knocked him off the swing, "Where have you been? You just, disappeared and.." Chani cut her off, "Hey. I'm here now, that's all that matters." Mina nodded and pulled away, she began to walk towards the playscape, Chani got up and followed. "I don't know what to do." She muttered into the breeze, "Ryan is super sweet to me but, it doesn't... I don't know." she sighed and climbed up onto the playscape, she leaned against the metal bars and looked out at the streets and trees. Chani walked up beside her and leaned against them as well, he looked at her for a moment, watching her hair blow in the breeze.

R e m e m b e r... m eTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang