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"Maybe.... He isn't the right one. Maybe your heart is set out for someone else.." Chani said quietly. Mina shook her head, "I think your right. I wish I had someone to help guide me through these situations. Like a guardian angel. You know?" Chani smiled, "I'll do it." Mina turned to him, "You'll do what?" Chani took both her hands in his and turned so that they were facing each other completely, "I'll be your guardian angel. I'll be there whenever you need me." Mina breathily laughed and smiled widely, her mood had completely changed.

"I would love that. Thank you." Chani smiled and held her hands for a second longer before letting them go. He continued to climb the playscape with Mina following behind. They climbed until they met the slide, he moved and made room so she could go first. Once she slid down he followed and they began to walk to the front of the park, Mina turned to him before they parted ways, "I'll see you tomorrow, right? You won't disappear again?"

"I promise you'll see me." With that Mina hugged him, before letting go she whispered, "Please don't leave me alone again." She pulled away and waved as she walked off. Chani watched until she turned the corner then disappeared. 

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