Good Bye

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He walked towards her, "Chani why didn't you tell me... I.." her voice cracked and she rested her forehead on his chest, he hugged her tightly. "Shhh, Mina.." he said softly and lifted her chin up with his finger, he looked into her eyes lovingly. He felt his heart pound and he knew Mina's was doing the same, he pressed his lips against her forehead, "I think you just made my third fantasy come true." Mina held tightly onto him until he disappeared, he no longer was apart of her world. She was no longer apart of his.

Chani was back in the room, his heart aching to hold her. To comfort her through this. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the two girls in his room, until Reign spoke up, "Congratulations, Chani." She walked up to him and gave him a short hug. WHen she pulled away she was expecting a face full of happiness, or excitement but was greeted by what seemed to be regret. "Will she remember me?" He asked. Reign took a step back and shook her head, "She won't. Everything that has happened will be forgotten. You on the other hand will remember, but not fully. It will feel like a dream when you think about it. Or a memory you had long forgotten." Chani nodded and walked up to Willow. "I'm gonna miss you." He hugged her and ruffled her hair. "Try and remember me?" Willow asked. "I'll remember you, I promise." Chani smiled.

Chani woke up from his coma a few days later and was greeted by an overjoyed mom. He looked around, his memory foggy. He remembered being in the car and he remembered his dad but that was all that surfaced at the moment. His mom filled him in with what had happened as he got a check up from the doctor. He was told all injuries were healed, since they were mostly minor. They kept him in the hospital for a while longer, to make sure he wouldn't slip back into a coma. When they were finally able to leave, his mother went out first to sign him out. He grabbed the backpack his mother had brought for him, which was packed with clothes, and walked out of the room. Right when he stepped out he was shoved by a nurse who was running and yelling at the other nurses, "Melody! Get the defibrillator! Willow is going into cardiac arrest!" Chani looked up when he heard the name Willow and ran with the nurses to the room.

There laid a woman that looked so familiar yet he couldn't put a finger on it. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, he watched as they tried to bring her back. He felt his heart drop when he heard the inevitable sound of the heart rate monitor going off and then he heard the chatter of an old nurse speaking to a trainee, "We've had her since she was thirteen. We were all hopeful she would wake up, alas now she has moved on. Bless her heart and her soul." Chani felt himself start to cry for this stranger, his mother pulled him away from the room and brought him into a hug. Telling him that everything was going to be alright. 

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