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He watched as a doctor and another nurse walked into the room. He listened as their distant voices spoke. "Name?" the doctor asked. "Chani." the nurse responded. "It says that he was in a car crash?" The nurse nodded, silence followed. The two spoke more but nothing was heard by Chani. Everything went silent once more, until the word "coma" was uttered. It hung in the room and stayed even after the room became empty once more. Chani stood and stared, he didn't know how to react. So, he didn't. Instead he went to the corner of the room and sat, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and when he opened them again everything was different.

Flowers were placed on a bedside table and his mother was in the room. She sat in the chair and cried. Chani's heart broke. "Mom..." the words dropped from his lips, he stood up quickly. The tears welling up in his eyes, "Mom!" he said louder, taking steps towards her. He continued to call out, but was met with silence. She turned and looked up, right at Chani. Tears began to fall from his eyes, he knew she couldn't see him. He knew that she couldn't hear him. Yet, for a second he had hope. A prayer was softly muttered by his mother, before got up and left the room, her eyes red and her head full of worry.

Chani followed, wanting to see her for as long as he could, wishing to stay with her. When he stepped out of the room, silence followed, he was once again alone. No more steps, no more beeps. Only white walls and his own breathing. He felt the need to break down, to cry.

He made his way back to where he came, only too see the flowers by his bed side had wilted. His mother walked in once more, her eyes still filled with hope. She carried new flowers in one hand and a wad of what seemed to be used tissues in the other. "Mom!" he yelled. The absence of a reaction made him hurt. He desperately continued to get her attention. "Mom, please.." his voice cracked as he reached out to touch her shoulder. "She can't hear you.. I'm surprised you haven't figured that out."

He jumped at the sudden intrusion of his silence. He turned to see a girl with long black hair and vivid blue eyes. He glanced back at his mom, as if he was going to ask her who this girl was, only he was still absent from the real world. His mother got up and walked over to the Chani that was still in the real world, the one that laid before all of them in bed. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, then began to cry once more as she left the room. He was frustrated and didn't feel like explaining himself at all, yet he found himself answering the question. "I wanted to hang onto what was left of the little bit of hope I had."

She blinked, almost as if she were confused on why he had hope in the first place. Her expression stayed blank, but her eyes screamed curiosity. "Who are you? How come you can hear me but my mother can't?" he asked, clearing the extra silence between them. She thought for a moment before speaking, "Reign." She ignored the second question and instead looked at Chani. Her eyes moved over him,analyzing him. Chani was slightly taken back by this and was unsure how to react to it, so he kept quiet. She shrugged and pulled a pen and notepad from her pocket. She scribbled some notes down then looked back at Chani, "She wants to give you another chance."   

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