What do you love most about...

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Ryan, though being a rude and unlikable person, had fallen in love with Mina. The first few days he was annoyed and didn't want to deal with her, but slowly he began to fall in love with everything she did. The way she dressed in her oversized clothes and how her hair would fall in her face when she was focused. How she always got excited when she went to the recording studio, where she read the student announcements and played music during homeroom in the morning. She was a joy to be around, the exact opposite of him. Mina who was still conflicted on what she felt towards Ryan, cancelled plans with him that night. It had been a week and a half since she had seen Chani, whom mostly just sulked around his hospital room with Willow.

Willow did her best to cheer him up and on the last night she asked him, "What do you love most about Mina?" Chani who was sat on the floor in front of her looked at Willow and breathily chuckled, "She's so many things... I guess.. I guess it's that she's not just one thing. She's so much larger than that. God. I'm head over heels for a girl that doesn't even love me." Willow sighed and hugged Chani, she was always there when he needed her most. Chani decided, that it was over. Reign hadn't been back for a while, Ryan stole Mina from him. There was nothing left for him anymore, so he waited for Ryan to come back and take his soul. 

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