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Chani looked around for a moment, joy replaced the nervousness that had swept over him. He smiled at the familiar area, he stood there for a moment taking in everything. Chani felt alive for a few moments, like everything was normal once more. He watched as swarms of kids entered through the gate and walked up to the front doors, he looked around at some of them. Wondering if someone was going to catch his eye. After waiting for a while, he began to walk in with a crowd of kids. He saw his dance group and began to walk towards them, he felt his heart drop. He missed hanging out with them so much, he missed practicing with them. Sighing, he turned the other way and made his way into the school.

He walked around aimlessly, stood in some of his old classrooms and even sat through lunch. No one saw him, no one noticed him, and no one made his heart skip a beat. Discouraged, he made his way to the one place he couldn't be upset. His dance studio. It wasn't technically his, it was the schools, but it was the one he used the most. He slowly made his way there, looking around at everything, taking everything in. He brought his hand to the handle and walked in, only to be greeted by soft sniffling. He quietly walked in and saw a girl sitting on a stool. She rubbed her eyes and looked up, Chani's breath hitched as he felt his heart skip a beat. He bit his lip, nervously, and walked forward, "Are you okay?" She looked at him as he kneeled, he took her hand in his and looked into her almond shaped, dark brown eyes. "I'm.. I've been better. I'm sorry, were you gonna use this room?" she replied softly. Chani couldn't stop staring, her hair framed her face in the most beautiful way. Chani reached his hand up and wiped away some of the mascara that had smudged from her eye rubbing.

"Here, come on." he stood up and pulled the girl up with him, "This room, is made to make you feel better. All you have to do is dance." He smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile herself. "I'm not very good at dancing..." she whispered, he only shook his head. "You don't have to be good, you just have to show your emotion through it." He walked over to the corner, where the speakers were. Everything was still set up the way it was when he left the day the accident happened. Even the CD he was using that day was in the machine, ready to play. He turned it on and listened to the music begin, he grabbed the remote and stuck it in his pocket before making his way to back to her. She watched him curiously, "Here, copy me." He began to do simple moves, freestyling to the music. She followed his moves and before they knew it they were laughing and messing around.

When the song ended, she tripped over her foot. Chani rushed forward and caught her in his arms. Chani smiled and looked at her, "Hello. I'm Chani and you are?" She chuckled and stood up again, "Hello, Chani. I'm Mina." Chani turned the speakers off with the remote and turned back to Mina, their eyes met and they stared at eachother for a while. Mina blushed lightly, "What is it?" Her words were soft and made Chani smile, "My first fantasy came true." Before Mina could ask him what he meant, the bell rang, "I'm sorry I have to go. Will I see you tomorrow?" Chani nodded and waved as she rushed out of the room. Chani walked to the stool that Mina was sitting on before and sat down himself, when he did the room faded away and he was back in his hospital room. 

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