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Chani furrowed his eyebrows, "My mom?" Reign let out a small laugh, "No, she wants you to have another chance. Aphrodite wants to give you another chance." Chani felt his heart skip a beat, another chance. The words echoed through his mind. Reign held back a small laugh, her clients always looked this way. Hopeful and even though she wasn't new to this job, she still felt her heart reach out to every person she had met and helped. She quickly shook the feeling and spoke once more, "There is a small catch. You have to fulfill three fantasies before you get your life back." Chani stared at her, "Fantasies?" Reign flipped through her little notebook then read from it, "First you need to find a person that makes your heart skip a beat from simply looking. Love at first sight is really big with Aphrodite. Second, make that person's heart skip a beat. Make them feel loved by the one who loves them. Three, make contact in a loving way. The kind where you look at each other and know that it's you both love each other. This is when you know your heart belongs to one another, or at least according to Aphrodite. Many like to argue." Chani let her words sink in and thought about each thing she had said.

"I really have to fall in love?" He said softly to Reign, after a long pause of silence. Everything settled, once more only the machine beeps and breathing were heard, Reign took this as her leave and walked out. Chani watched as she left, he had many more questions but didn't want to keep her any longer, he waved good bye which was left unnoticed. He sat and thought more about what she had said. Fantasies. Love. Another Chance. These words echoed through his mind and made him nervous. Soft crying brought him from his thoughts, he looked up to see his mom being comforted by a nurse. The nurse was foreign to him and his mother was in a different set of clothes. 

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