Puppy Love

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Chani ran to where she came from, only to be greeted by a grumpy Mina in an oversized sweater, "I can't believe you just got me in trouble." Chani only smiled and held out his hand, "May I have this dance?" Mina rolled her eyes but took his hand, he brought her close to him. Her breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat, Chani began to lead her in a slow dance. Twirling her around and keeping her close. It was intimate yet they couldn't help but laugh when it ended. Chani held her hand for a little longer, "I think my second fantasy just came true.." Once again Mina was interrupted by the bell, Mina turned to walk into class again with Chani following but she accidentally ran into someone, "Oh, I apologize.." She looked up and was met with pretty green eyes. She felt something come over her, her heart pounded and the moment that happened with Chani no longer affected her. Puppy love had blinded her.

"I um.." she blushed and brushed herself off. The boy smiled at her and looked up at Chani, whom was gritting his teeth. This was Ryan's plan, to sabotage the one good thing Chani had at the moment. Not needed by Mina at this moment, he disappeared. When Mina turned back to say goodbye, she was disappointed to see he was gone. "Hey, you're the new girl, right? Mina?" Ryan said as he began to walk with her into class, helping her with her stuff. They spoke more after that and Chani was never needed. Days had passed but the only thing on Mina's mind was Ryan, who had asked her out two days after they originally met. When Chani disappeared from her life she felt horrible, but Ryan always distracted her from that feeling. She knew something was missing from her life but she couldn't remember what it was.

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