Chapter 3: A Letter

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Jeffery and Zavier spent a few weeks away from the wearhouse; they wanted to find some answers on their own. Jeffery was going through some of his mothers things when he found another letter addressed to him and his brother, he opened it and it read,


"Dear sons, if you are reading this Jeffery and Zavier, I know that you have found out the truth and that you have found each other. Our family is nothing but ass holes, they are greedy and want everything to them selves; they took Zavier away from me when Danny (your father) refused to work in the drug business. They felt that I didn't need him, your uncle Orlando and Roger shot and killed him; when I found out that he was gone I went into labor with Zavier. Jeffery you were at school  when Rose took him from me. Both sides of the family are in on it, to be honest to you sons I did have cancer but that is not what killed me; your Uncle Orlando and your Aunts Rose and Riley poisoned me. I don't know with what but all I know it is working and it is working fast, I know I should have told you but I couldn't Orlando told me if I said anything he'd kill Zavier and then you ; I want you to kill every single one of those greedy sons of bitches. I love you and Zavier with all my heart and that will never change, just know I am at peace and I will tell your father that both you love him. I will see you soon my sons."

*End of Letter*

Jeffery gave the letter to Zavier and "We need to make a plan and kill every single one of them, I know our main plan was to kill Orlando but I feel we should improve it." He read the letter and he was even anger than before, he folded up the letter "I think we should talk to Rose again.' Jeffery nodded, they got dressed and left. They arrived at the wear house, Jeffery pointed to both the rooms; four men brought both women out.

"So you two killed my mother?" Rose looked up "She died of cancer." He looked at Zavier and gave him the floor, "That's funny because this letter right here states that you, Riley, and Orlando gave her some type of poison."

"He paid us to do it."  "Shut up!" Jeffery pulled out his knife and pointed at Rose  "You shut up, or this knife will goes in your throat."

"Orlando didn't want either of you to find out the truth, so he paid me and Rose 78 million dollars to get rid of Sara and to keep Zavier hidden." Rose shook her head, "So I guess both you are just as greedy as the rest of them right?" "He would have killed me and my boyfriend." Jeffery smiled and then laughed  "Your boyfriend Jayce?"

She nodded, Jayce walked up and took his mask off; "I'm the one who you should be afraid of." She fell into tears  "These men hurt me and shot me up with drugs and you just sit here and do nothing?" He looked at her in the eye  "Hell yeah, me and Jeffery have been cool for a long time and when I found out you were being paid to do this shit to him, I told him I would help him get pay back."

"Orlando is stupid, you can take him out and the family just use snipers and take what he really love most." "What does he love most besides money?" she pointed to Rose, "This is a good plan." Jeffery agreed, he pointed to the rooms and they were taken back  drugged over and over again. Jeffery and Zavier went back to their mother's house and looked for some more things to help them with their plan and to finally get even once and for all;

they are two brothers willing to do anything to cause anyone and every one pain. James and Zavier hired more men to help, Wayne and Jayce stayed by their side until they were given orders. "Orlando has sent his men around the world to find all the family members that we have taken."  "Good, have all his men killed and cut up and sent back to him in boxes." He nodded and made a call, "When do we take down Orlando?" James looked at him and "Not for awhile I want him to let his guard down first, I am going to hit him where it hurts. I'm going to use Rose to get him right where I want him."

"May I get the first hit?" They both smiled and laughed at their master plan; Jayce came out from one of them rooms "Riley is on her death bed she can't take any more."

"Bring both of them out." The men did, Rose looked at her sister and cried,  "Orlando will come out of hiding once I'm dead, he will be looking for Rose on his own once he finds my body. He will have three body guards with him and four on buildings, they will have snipers." "Is that all?" Riley looked at her sister and said, "She is pregnant with his child."

Zavier looked at the woman who he use to call mom  "Well this changes everything." "In deed it does, finish Riley off." She looked at her nephews "Thank you for setting me free." Everyone watched as Jayce and Wayne shot her up with the last of the drugs, she soon closed her eyes and they didn't open again. Rose screamed and screamed, Jayce walked over to her "Now, is there anything else you want to tell us?" Her phone rang before she could answer, James picked it up and it was a text message; it read,

"This isn't funny Rose, everyone in the family has gone missing and now all my body guards have been killed and cut up; the sick fuck sent all of them back to me in boxes. You're carrying my child and I want you to be safe, one of my past enemies is out to get me. I don't know which one is but they are working fast I only 7 left, I can't have anything happen to you or our child. Please call me back as soon as you get this."

"He as 7 body guards left, find the four and kill them and then we will lay low for a few weeks. Then Zavier will have the first hit." Everyone in the wearhouse cheered, Jayce came out the room "We might have to make the hit sooner."  "Why?" Jayce held up another phone that belonged to Rose, he handed it to James. The last text message read,

"I'm okay Orlando, nothing is going to happen to me or our baby. I need you to know that I know who is doing all of this but I cannot tell you or I will die just know you'll be seeing this enemy sooner than you think." Her other phone rang and this time James made her answer, "Yes Orlando? I can't tell you, because if I do I'm dead and so is our baby. How much money are you talking about? 90 million? I will try but I am being kept in a room. Riley... Riley is dead, I'm looking at her body right now she is dead your enemy drugged her up. They drugged us to keep quite so make it 90 million and 100 thousand, I can't tell you."

James hit her in the head with the butt of the gun and smashed the phone, he looked at all the men and "Get all the guns and bullets ready because in a few weeks there will be war." Zavier smiled "What do we do with her?"  "Let's make her suffer after all it's what she deserves." All the men agreed in union.

As Jeffrey watched his crew pack things up and move to the back up location he smirked evilly because he had another plan up he sleeve, what was about to happen was no where near as good as what he was holding back.

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