Chapter 11: FlashBacks

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Danny had been having flash backs since the shooting happened, with Orlando out of the way they seemed to go away but come back to him in his dreams. His life would flash before his eyes every time, his wife would hold him and kiss his chest. She has been back and forth to the hospital for testing and she is perfectly healthy, it all didn't seem real he was gone so long and there he is right in front of her.

His long jet black hair his deep green eyes and sexy smile his deep voice and muscular body was all there, his 6 foot 8 frame towered over her as he leaned down to kiss her. He looked her and tears ran down his face, her long brown hair her gray eyes and beautiful smile, her soomth and soothing voice calmed his nerves. Her body was thick and slim just like it was when they met, she was short but very fierce and violent to anyone who came off a threat her 5 foot 5 frame was everything he remember and loved.

He was happy to know that his sick brothers were smart enough not to touch her, he picked her up and sat her on his lap "I'm so sorry all of this could have been avoided if I would have left this city when I found out your were pregnant." He sat her down and just yelled in pain and frustration, his sons came running in. Their mother held her heart "I don't blame you for any of this my family only wanted money, my father is out there in this city and he doesn't care that my mother is dead. He watched them beat me and hurt me Danny, all he cared about was him self and your money."

Danny fell to his knees and she held him and held out her hands for her sons to hug them both, Danny pulled away made a call then went back to hugging them. He looked at his small family and smiled the only thing he ever asked for was for them to be safe and happy, so once the word got out that Sara's father was captured "You now have the choice to take out your father and have his entire life savings." He showed her a picture that was just sent to him of her father and his entire crew she smiled evil and kissed him, she took her sons back to their room and talked to them she stayed with Zavier a little longer to get know him.

"I knew you would find out the truth, I am so sorry that I didn't do a better job at protecting you from all of this. I wanted you and your brother far away from this." He hugged her "I knew somethibg was up when I wad young, I was about 8 or 9 when I noticed Rose never told me she loved me and she never gave off the motherly vibe. One day she told me that she hated me and that my dad was the causing for all of this drama." Tears streamed down his face Jeffery walked in  "And that is why the bitch is dead just like the rest of those greedy fuckers."

Their father walked in and hugged his sons he looked at his wife and "Yeah Rose got what was coming to her she suffered a lot, I snapped once I found out she was carrying Orlando's baby I ended that fast and very quickly." "Good, her and Reily sold me out and told Orlando and Roger everything." She went to the window she looked at the city lights "The day I got that calling stating that you were shot and that his body went missing I knew Rose and Reily sold me out and threw me under the bus, his body went missing so the police wouldn't find his killer.

Orlando and Roger were standing in the living room they brought my mother out and told me that she was going to die if I didn't go with them, me being me I fought as hard as I could and then they injected her with something and she stopped moving right before my eyes she was dead. I looked just like her so they used her to fake my death, My own father walked in and pulled me down by my hair and threw me in the back of van I hit my head so I was unconscious.

When I woke up a few weeks later Roger was on top of me, he was hit me and the Orlando did the same. I screamed and cried, they were smart enough not to go any further I spent years down there and you Danny spent years in another city on life support. That day you opened that door I couldn't believe it, Orlando told me that you were dead and she showed me your body I was so scared. When I seen Jeffery run through that door then Zavier I knew that everything I believed in was no longer true."

She cried harder and covered her face and "I want my father to suffer I hate him and his entire company expect one person, Orlando's son Eli came to me before you did and told me everything how you were alive and how my sons found out the truth and took over everything. Again me being me I tried to attack him, I thought he was sent by my father to hurt me but when he showed me the news of you and my sons I made him promise to kill my father."

Danny hugged her from behind and kissed her, Jeffery's phone went off he looked at it and ran down stairs and opened the door and saw Rachael she was crying. He stepped back "I... I killed them I killed them and their baby" he looked around and pulled her inside  "How did you find me?" "Your cusion Eli dates my sister and I called him after I did it he dropped me off after my sister helped clean up, my father hates her too cause she had a baby by him and not Orlando."

Danny came down "If you know him you must know me right?" She nodded "Yes I do and my father was putting a team together to have you killed but someone took my mother and his new side piece so he was forced to call the team off." Danny s "We need to get you somewhere safe and I know we just met but if my son gets hurt while helping you just know it wont end well."

She looked at him "I have no reason to hurt him or get him hurt he helped me while the other people just watched me cry, he spent the night with me when he could have left he held me and made me feel safe. I know he texted you all when he had to take me to the ER, he never told his name but Eli did and show me a picture that you all took. He was so sweet to me and no we didnt have sex, but I know that he will make some girl happy because when I laid on his chest his heart jumped and once I closed my eyes I listened to it and it told me his story."

They made eye contact and he cupped her face and kissed her, his 6 foot 6 frame towered over her 5 foot 9 frame but she was okay with it. They all stayed up and talked about the new game plan. Zavier how ever had a very strange feeling and he did not like it one bit so he took it upon him self to get some more information on her, her sister, and his cousin Eli. He ran it by Jayce and Wayne so it could remain under the table for a while, after all enemies are lurking everywhere no one new could be trusted.

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