Chapter 5: The Boss Man

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Jeffery and Zavier made the announcement that every one will be meeting the big boss and that the game was indeed changing and seeing how Orlando is almost out of ideas, they have decided that it was time for them to meet the brains behind the whole operation. They all met at the wear house, every one was seated Jeffery and Zavier stood beside Jayce and Wayne the wing men of the group in total there were 29 men. The door opened and more than 10 men walked in and then a tall man walked and stood beside Jeffery and the others, Zavier had the floor

"Your loyalty and trust are about to be tested, fail this and you will die no questions asked."

Jeffery took the floor he looked around the room "Before we start bring Rose out I want her to be the first to see what we are capable of."

two men brought her out and tossed her on the floor, Jeffery proceeded "As you all know Orlando has gotten out of control he has even betrayed people very close to him for example these five men here, you all have been brought here to watch his down fall and to join me and my team and now I will let the boss take over."

The tall man stood up and paced the floor for 5 seconds and then removed his hood, his long jet black hair fell to his back and on his shoulders. Rose looked up and froze, he removed his mask and looked at her "Hello Rose." She screamed and tried to crawl away but was stopped, Danny took off his sweat shirt showing his muscles and the gun shot wounds that was suppose to kill him. He grabbed Rose by her throat "You should have died instead of killing your own blood, you forced my wife to give up Zavier and to top it all off you are pregnant by the fucker who tried to have all the power. You will burn in hell for what you have done to me and my Family."

Before she could try and plead her case he stabbed her repeatedly in the stomach, her screams filled to wear house everyone watched and did nothing. "I will see you in hell you fucked with the wrong one." he
Snapped her neck, he dropped her lifeless body on the ground and walked to his sons and looked at all the men "No one touches Orlando right now, I want all you to take everything he has worked for and kill every single one of the family members. Once you all have made sure their dead you will be given a big reward, also their hearts are on the left side and in the middle. Move out."

All the men left Jeffery and Zavier stayed be hind with Jayce and Wayne, Danny looked at his sons

"Jeffery, tell me; how did you know I was still alive in critical condition?"

He looked him in the eye  "Cause of our hearts, when I was at school and all this stuff happened I remembered you telling me that our family was specail. You explained what you meant by that too, you also told me that Orlando is the only one in the family that doesn't have a specail heart he wasn't so lucky. I spent my 18th and 19th birthday looking for you on the down low and once I found you in one of the hospitals in Colorado Springs I knew I could put my plan in motion, I wasn't suppose to hit Orlando this soon but seeing how I found out about the shit the family did I exploded and decided to have you join with me, Zavier and the others to bring him down."

Danny smiled and grabbed both of his sons and hugged them tightly, he looked at Jayce and Wayne  "You both will receive a big reward for standing by my sons, I thank you to the fullest." they both nodded and shook his hand, Then they packed up Rose's body and had it sent to one of Orlando's houses he bought; things were beignning to come together very quickly and perfectly. Danny had sat down and took out his wallet and looked at a picture of his late wife, Jeffery was on her lap and Zavier was growing in her womb. Tears fell from his eyes, "Sons, how did she really die?" They looked at each other and Jeffery handed him the letter he found in their home, he read it and broke down. He folded up the letter.

"Orlando will suffer before he dies, who took out Roger and Reily?" "I took out Roger and the group took out Reily, she suffered the most." He looked up and wiped his face "Good that bitch needed to die, who gets the first hit on Orlando?" Zavier raised his hand Danny smiled and "You both are indeed my sons, when you guys have him at his last moments I will come in and finish the job unless Wyane or Jayce want to cause him some pain."

Jayce walked in and "I already had my renevge and I am very happy that Rose is dead and gone so now I am just following the main bosses lead."  " I second that motion."  They all cheered and shook hands Danny couldn't be any more happier that his sons took over everything now they are on top of everthing Orlando has built and worked for, Jeffery hugged his brother and then his father and they put it on the calender that on this day March 23, 2010 they will celebrate the reunion of never giving up on family and keeping your word when you mean something.

Danny set down and watched as everyone talked and gathered more information on how to take back everything that taken from them, there is going to be hell to pay for any one that gets in between Danny and his sons again. He now is the worst nightmare there is, and he will rise again in due time.

There is nothing worse then being betrayed, the only thing Danny had on his mind was his late wife for some reason he felt that she was not dead. In fact he felt that she was alive somewhere he just needed to find the facts first, he has already vowed to take his revenge on his brother no hesitation.

Orlando will soon fall at his knees and beg him for mercy even though there won't be any mercy left. 

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