Chapter 8: The New Order

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Zavier called a meeting he wanted to hear every ones opinion on The New Order, he didn't want to cause any problems with any of the new members. As he waits for the others to arrive he looks out the window, and thinks about his mother. He never got to meet her because he was taken from her when he was just a new born, tears fell from his eyes he couldn't stop them nor did he want to.

He couldn't believe his own family would do something this harsh and unforgivable, his father walked in and touched his shoulder he turned to him and just let out all his emotions that he has been hiding since he joined the group. Jeffery walked in and couldn't help but break down as well, even knowing he got to spend time with their mother it still hurt like hell to know why she died and how she died. It didn't help that the man who did it was their own uncle and their fathers brother, Jeffery was able to pull himself together and look at his father and brother

"I know its hard but we have to be strong so we can make our mother proud."

They each pulled them selves together and tried to hold their emotions until the meeting was over, also seeing how Orlando was dead they didn't have much to worry about unless word got out that Danny was alive and well. Now that Orlando was dead and out of the way they had nothing to to worry about, things were starting to come together slowly. The members filled the room and waited, Danny, Jeffery, and Zavier looked around the room. They all held up the number five and certain members moved over as the others stayed put, they were the new members and needed to be tested before they could join permanently.

Danny looked around and "If you know what kind of group this is then you should all know that rats and anyone that comes of as a threat will be delt with, does any one have any problems with that?" No one spoke, Jeffery stepped up

"If you want power of your enemy's move to your left." 10 people moved, Zavier stepped up  "If you want money and revenge move to your left."

10 others moved, 25 people wanted power and other things only 5 were left. Danny looked at each of them  "You 5 will need to complete a task and when you do you will be asked again on what you want, if none of you move then you all will be killed." The meeting was over, Zavier sat down and let out a loud sigh Jeffery sat next to him and put his hand on his shoulder  "What's on your mind?" He couldn't help but break down in tears, Danny just picked him up and held him in his arms.

"Its okay son, let it out don't hold it in any more. We got all the people who did this to your mother and to you both, I got my revenge as well but its okay for both of you to be upset and sad and hurt cause I know I am and I always will be."

Zavier pulled him self together a little bit "Why though? Why did it have to be our mother and why did it have to be you? Its not fair to you or to us, for 21 years I never understood why none of the family liked me. I never understood why they would stop talking when I entered the room, that one day when I met Jeffery and found out the truth I was completely crushed. Why in the fuck did they do some shit like this I don't understand and it fucking hurts."

Danny couldn't help but to break down and hold both of his sons, Wayne walked in and couldn't help but feel the sadness and pain.

"You all are very strong, to competely honest I would have killed everyone and just not care I wouldn't want to spend time in jail so I would go out with a bang." They couldn't help but laugh, they hugged each other and were able to pull them selves together. They all decided to go home and call it a night, they went to their mothers house and all the emotions came right out of Danny.

He just broke down just looking at all the pictures of his beautiful wife, his sons even knowing the picture were him as a baby he was still handsome. Jeffery was too they both are a split image of their father, it was like they were twins just born in different times. Jeffery and Zavier hugged their father and let him just have his time to just let his emotions out, they sat him down and handed his pictures and positive things to help ease his mind and to help make him smile and he did. He smiled and giggled at all the pictures he seen, he couldn't help but smile at his sons and hug them for doing the best they could to stay strong while all this bad stuff and negative stuff happened.

He was very thankful that they both went on strong and put the pieces together to take back their home, they all explained what was about to happen and the new plan. Everyone agreed expect one person and Zavier knew that he would be the downfall of the crew and that he had to be delt with beofre he tried anything stupid.

Danny looked at the photo albums he wasn't ready to tell his sons that he felt his wife their mother was still alive, he didn't want them to get distracted with it but he would soon have to tell them eventually just to have them in the loop or he could just keep it under the table until the men on his team find some solid facts and proof that she is indeed still living and not seriously hurt.

The boys found their mother collection of stuffed animals and they saw one with their fathers name on it they handed it to him and he press the bear it played a recording "Hi daddy you're going to be a daddy again and I am going to be a big brother! I love you sweet heart Can't wait until you come home."

They all just cried again and continued looking through everything, she documented Everything with photos and words she indeed was a very beautiful soul the boys would have done anything to have had more time with her but at least she has now gotten justice but this war is far from over, not by a long shot.

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