Chapter 10 : A Rat

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Danny had come to find out that another one of the men in the group was working undercover for the police so he called all the man for a surprise test but his wife walked out and played the video of the man they caught on video handing over information to the cop, she watched every single one of them men and only one moved.

She pulled the trigger and shot him in the leg, the group put him in the center of the circle he yelled in pain and "You drove my brother crazy he can never come home." Danny stepped up to him and "He messed with my family and I will not let any one take them away from me nor will I let any one take me away from them ever again."

"Your the fucking devil and you will burn in hell!" Danny looked at him "I was already in hell and I enjoied it." He pulled the trigger and shot him in the head, it was clear now that had to lay low and watch everyone more closely. They even had Wayne and Jayce help out with that and if any one tried anything they would be killed no questions asked, but it wasn't over yet two more men were caught then 3 others so they all gave one on one interview and if any of them broke eye contact then that means they have given them selves up and they were killed.

Everyone else passed Jeffery was irritated so he went for a walk the time was 9:30pm, he walked to a restruant, he walked in and sat down at a table and ordered a nice meal to eat. He saw a young woman rush off to the bathroom and the guy she was with leave, she came back out and looked at the table and cried she walked passed but he stopped her

"Have a seat and calm down." She sat across from him and whiped her eyes "Six years, I stayed with him for six years and I gave up everything my my dreams my family my parents. Then he brings me here and tells me he fucked my bestfriend and now they are having a baby and that the wedding is off, I have nothing. He wouldnt let me work so I have no money and the ring is fake so I can't pawn it, he also just kicked me out so now I'm homeless. Oh did I mention my entire family disowned me told me they never wanted to see me again. On top of that my father is more worried about this new gang that had taken over this city when he doesnt even live here. When he calles me all he talks about is killing some guy named Danny."

His heart froze "What's your fathers name?" She looked at him "O'neil... O'neil Williams." He sent a quick text and looked at her  "Would you want some ice cream?" She wiped her tears and nodded her head yes but that didn't stop the tears from streaming down her face she took out her phone and called her father "Daddy he called the marriage off and he kicked me out and took all the money and he slept with my best friend and they are having a baby."

  "Well that is your fault Rachael, your mother and I begged you not to go with him to Queens not to move all the way to New York. Your mother just heared everything you have said and she doesn't want anything to do with you nor do I so figure it out, so don't call anyone from the family cause they wont answer." She covered her face with her hands and cried like a baby he sat next to her and hugged her, the guy came back and looked at her

"Rachael, the only words I can say is I'm sorry. I was in love with you but things changed and I just didn't want to be with you any more, your father just called me and told me everything that you told him. That is also why I cheated and did what I did cause of your fucking family, so this whole thing is your fault too you knew your family would never like me." Jeffery said nothing cause he was right and she did just leave with him and not listen, he walked away and that was the last time either of them saw him. He finished his meal and paid for everything and texted his father to let him know where he was and what was going on, he paid for a hotel room with separate beds and he stayed with her for the rest of the night.

She crawled over to his bed causing him to jumped up in fear she jumped "I'm sorry I can't sleep." He saw her eyes were blood shot red, he put on his shorts and held out his arms and she wrapped her self in them. His heart jumped and he watched as she closed her eyes, he tapped her and sat up  "How are you feeling and I apologize if I scared you."

She smiled at him and the tears just streamed down her face she let out a painful cry and held her head he put on some clothes and dressed her as well they went to the nearest ER, he told the doctors everything and they helped her the best they could. The doctor came to Jeffery "She is sleeping now but she has to stop crying she complained about her eyes and head hurting, her eyes are swollen from crying and she has caused her self to get a really bad migraine."

He sighed and just wonder how this young woman could go through so much to just end up with a complete stranger? He texted his father and mother and brother and they were just shocked on how she has no one, he made up his mind to help her get back at those who hurt her the only problem was he didn't know if she could be trusted to know his deep dark secrets.

After all there just so happens to be a few more rats laying low just waiting to strike when the time is right, the problem is there is no telling who it will turn out to be this time. Enemy's never stray to far away they alway stay close to catch the juicy secrets.

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