Chapter 14

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Quite happy with our prank, we walked to the dining hall.

We stepped in, and I instantly noticed that everyone was completely silent already.

I looked around and saw that the girls were at their old tables.

It only seated five people.

Without hesitation, we walked up to them.

Leaning over, I got closer to Kayla.

"We aren't going to all fit at this table princess," I whispered in her ear.

"That was the point smart one," she retorted her voice dripping with sarcasm.

After being a player for do long, it wasn't hard to come up with a quick response.

"Our love never ends so it's like a circle, and everyone knows that circles have no points," I replied.

She took in a deep and shaky breath.

What was up with her?

"Love? Who here loves who? The only people I love in this room are my parents, my aunt, and the girls at this table," She responded, almost without hesitation.

Everything clicked into place for me.

She was mad at me for going into room to get her back.

"Oh babe come on, don't be that way. It was just a small prank, and it meant nothing," I attempted to apologize.

I was getting nothing from her.

She wouldn't even so much as open her eyes.

I moved my head around and kissed her cheek.

Her feet flew off the table, and her eyes shot open.

She shot up from the table.

I held back a chuckle as she glared up at me.

Knowing it wouldn't help me to laugh at her, I kept quiet.

She glared up at me even though I had at least 8' on her.

"Helpful hint," she spat,"if you tell the best spy in the world you love her, you sure as hell better mean it!"

She shoved her way around me,and the other girls got up from the table to follow after her.

Before she was fully away, I grabbed her arm in surprise.

What was she talking about?

Before I could even ask what she meant, she turned and slapped me.

The sound resounded through the silent room.

"If you and your friends don't stay away from me and my friends, I will end you," She informed through grit teeth.

I looked at her in pure astonishment and confusion.

"Is that a threat?" Matt asked from behind me.

"No," she snapped,"it's a God damned promise,"

With that, she turned and stormed out.

"What the actual hell?" Matt asked as we walked to our room after dinner.

"I don't know, but Stella won't even respond to my texts, and I can see that she is reading them!" Zack exclaimed in frustration.

"Okay, what did you two do?" Dylan asked, looking pointedly at Matt and me.

Matt held his hands up in defense of himself.

"Hey, don't look at me. I actually don't wanna screw up my relationship with my girlfriend," he admitted.

Spies have secrets too. //Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now