Chapter 19

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Kayla's P.O.V.

"ARE WE THERE YET? Are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET? Are we there yet?" I was bouncing up and down in my chair.

Tyler, Matt, Allison, Tahlia and I were in our jeep,a and the rest were in the other one.

I felt oddly euphoric right then.

"What is wrong with her?" Tyler demanded, trying to hold me still.

"She wasn't paying attention and took some Benadryl," Tahlia groaned from the other side of me.

"That stuff puts people to sleep though, it's an allergy medicine," Matt argued.

"She's allergic babe, and she has the opposite reaction," Allison explained.

"Yankee doodle went to town riding on a pony, he stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni," I sang, bouncing to the beat.

Tyler groaned and laid his head back.

"Aw, you're so tired," I smiled, laying on his shoulder.

"Just watching you is exhausting me," he chuckled.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Allison pulled into the parking lot and stopped.

Tyler opened his door and began to unbuckle.

Not wanting to wait, I sprang from my chair and out the open door.

"Ow, God what are you doing Kayla?" Tyler asked as I scrambled over him.

I ignore him and began skipping towards the other four, who were walking towards us.

"Benadryl still hasn't worn off I see," Stella smiled when I was closer to her.

"Oh my God, A BIRD!," I squealed, taking off in the direction of a small bird pecking at the ground.

Arms wrapped around me, and I was slammed to a halt.

I looked up at Tyler, who had both his arms firmly around my waist.

"Calm. Doooooown," he chastised sternly.

The bird looked up at him and flew away.

My bottom lip began to quiver.

"Come on princess," he rolled his eyes.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No," I stomped my foot.

"I'm going to tickle you if you don't come in five seconds," he warned.

I looked at him warily.


I didn't move.


I shook my head stubbornly.


I looked up at him in worry.

Maybe he wasn't bluffing.

"Foooour," he drew it out slowly.

"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed.

He smirked, and I looked away from him.

"Jerk," I grumbled.

He let my waist go and slung his arm loosely over my shoulder.

The rest of the group met up with us.

"Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce," I giggled, skipping.

"How long do you think it lasts?" Matt asked Allison quietly.

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