Chapter 16

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Allison's P.O.V.

I woke up to something poking my ear.

My eyes flew open because I knew what it meant.

Someone was threatening us.

Kayla was standing over me.

Listening intently,I heard the flicking of a picked lock.

My eyes widened, and she motioned for me to lay down.

She flew across the room, and I closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew, Kayla was screaming.

"Allison! Here!" She exclaimed.

Launching myself from bed, I received the guy that Kayla shoved to me and brought my knee to his chest.

"What the hell," Rachel groaned from the darkness.

"It's happening again!" Kayla screamed.

The girls were up and assessing the threat before anything else could happen.

"Take the leader," Stella cried,"we've got the others,"

"Tahlia!" Kayla exclaimed.

Poor Tahlia was groggy and sitting up.

She was still looking around in a dazed, confused state.

"We need you up, we've got company," Kayla grunted as I ducked under the guy's swing then punched him in the jaw.

Kayla suddenly bolted from the room.

"Kayla, where the hell are you going?" I called after her, but she didn't respond.

I moved around to his back and jumped on, locking him in a headlock.

It probably looked kind of wrong, but this guy towered over me, and I needed leverage.

The guy tried to buck me off, but I kept my arm snugly around his neck.

"Allison," the guy wheezed.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, temporarily distracted.

That was enough for him.

Swinging me around to his front, he shoved to my bed.

"God Allison, were you trying to kill me?" He gasped for breath.

"How do you know my name?" I demanded, trying to kick him off of me.

Holding me down with one arm, he took off his mask with the other.


I stopped struggling and glared at him.

"Matt, damn it!" I exclaimed.

"Awwww, don't be so grumpy," he cooed.

"If you aren't off me in three seconds, I will murder you," I warned.

"Will you at least let me explain?" He pleaded.

"Get offffffff," I groaned.

"Kk," he chirped in a mocking tone.

Leaning forward, he pecked my forehead then hopped off.

I took a deep breath and sat up with a yawn.

"Was it necessary to come in and scare the hell out of us?" I asked.

I was yawning, however, so it came out like,"wa i nesusaree tu com in an scare the crap ou of u,"

They looked at me in confusion.

"Was it necessary to come in and scare the hell out of us?" Stella translated.

"Oh, yes it was, we needed to kidnap Kayla," Zack explained,like that was going to help their case.

"Why couldn't you just kidnap her, why did you attack us?" Rachel demanded, glaring at Dylan.

"Hey, if we hadn't distracted you, you would have run after Kayla. Tyler wanted to talk to her alone," Dylan explained.

"Get out," I demanded.

"But you didn't," Matt began.

"I said out NOW, or I will call the headmaster," I threatened.

"You wouldn't," matt challenged.

"Try us, we dare you," Stella glared at Zack.

"Get. Out," I repeated.

"But you just have to let us,"

I cut him off by grabbing a taser from Kayla's stash and pressing it to him.

"Out or I will turn this on," I smiled sweetly.

Looking at me one last time, he left from the room.

"I have no problem hurting you either," I told the other boys.

They quickly vanished from the room.

Tossing the taser back on Kayla's bed, I crumpled into my own.

"This is sooooo not how I wanted to spend my night," I grumbled.

The dark was becoming more enticing, and I clicked off the lamp.

"Is this a regular occurrence?" Tahlia asked from the dark.

"Ummm, apparently it happens more in our senior year?" Stella suggested.

"Oh God, I hope not," Tahlia muttered,"I will murder the next person who walks through that door,"

"What if it's Kayla," Rachel pointed out.

Tahlia thought for a moment.

"Then she better come in quietly," she grumbled.

"Welcome to spy school Tahlia," I chuckled,"welcome to spy school,"

Yeah it's short but wattpad f*cking deleted my chapter so this is gonna have to work for now

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