Chapter 3

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Hey, what's up everyone. Just wanted to say hi.


" Just remember pretty boy, and this goes for your friends too," I said, " Karma's a real bitch,"

Matt's P.O.V.

" God, that was one of the best kisses I've ever had but I want her friend," I said when we had gotten back to our dorm.

" Gee, that narrows it down, she has three of them," Dylan said.

" I don't know her name, but I'll ask around to figure it out. She is the brunette that seems closest to Kayla," I said.

" Don't sweat it, I already asked around and the girl that your talking about is Allison and your right, she is closest to Kayla but they are all best friends and she can spot a bomb from a long ways away. The blonde is Stella and she is their nerd. The red head is Rachel and she is their disguise master. Then of course there is the dirty blonde haired Kayla, who is their leader and she can spot the slightest problem with a situation which was demonstrated this morning in class," Zack said and we all stared at him.

" What," he demanded.

" When did you ask around, you've been with us almost every second since we got here," Tyler said and Zack nodded.

" Yeah, almost every second. I asked around yesterday when you guys stayed at dinner to talk with ms. slut and her friends, I went off to talk to some of the girls about that group because I knew that you would want revenge," he said.

" Whatever, all I want to know is how to get these girls back, what are their weaknesses," I asked.

" Okay, well we can't mentally hurt them because they are rock hard but apparently Allison and Kayla are awful when it comes to physical fighting but the other two are pretty good fighters but they aren't as mentally strong," he said and Dylan frowned.

" Well, how are we supposed to get the two not as good fighters away from the good fighters," he asked.

" In the fight class the two always pair together so if you get a chance to spar with them you could beat them into the dust," he said.

" Yeah, one problem with that scheme, what if they refuse to fight us," Tyler said and zack shrugged.

" The girls said that the gym teacher has a very serious to keep people from backing out of fights and they laughed when they said it but they didnt tell me what it was," he said.

" Ok then, we can only hope that they have fight class with us next hour," I said and the rest of them nodded.

" Which reminds me when does it start," Tyler asked.

" Ten minutes and we are supposed to changed into comfortable fighting clothes," Zack responded immediately.

" How did you know that," I asked as I started to change.

" Photographic memory, remember. I looked at the schedule last night so it is permanently etched in my mind," he said in a 'duh' tone as he pulled his shirt off.

" Sorry, I don't have photographic memory like you so I didn't remember," I said laughing and he smiled sheepishly.

We finished getting ready in a few minutes and we left our dorm and started walking towards their gym.

" You know Tyler something occurred to me, since I'm going for Allison and in all technicality I'm your best friend and your the leader, you can have Kayla so that it all makes sense," I said and his jaw dropped.

" What, no. I'll admit she is pretty hot but I can't date a girl who can't fight for two reasons, one, my parents would kill me, two, if I was ever on a mission with her, I would be too busy protecting her to get the mission done. Lastly, I just wouldn't date her because I don't like her and she hates me," he said and I rolled my eyes.

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