Chapter 4

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My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher starting to talk again.

" Hello class, now that you know the rules, we will start by figuring out how smart each of you is," she said and I rolled my eyes.

" Whatever," I whispered and poorly stifled laughter filled the room.

" Is something funny Kayla," she said and I looked at her then stifled my own laughter.

" Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, Tyler's face, it cracks me up," I said between chuckles and I could see my friends shaking with their laughter.

Tyler was glaring at me as well as his friends and the teacher and I just grinned back at them.

" Just don't disrupt my class again or I'll be forced to send you to the headmistress," she said and I smiled and nodded.

" Now class, I want you to take a piece of paper and a pencil," she said and everyone did, except me.

" I will give you a problem and I want you to solve it and shout it out without the help of a calculator.

Everyone in the class nodded and I noticed Tyler glancing over at my empty desk then smiled.

" Okay, this might take a while and don't get frustrated if you can't figure it out. The problem is 4,780,464 divided by 7,332," she said and everyone started scribbling on their paper.

" 652," I said and she turned to look at me.

" I'm sorry Kayla, that's...correct," she said, her jaw dropping.

I leaned back in my desk and smiled smugly as she regained her composure.

" Very good, although I used whole numbers so it was pretty simple, we will try another one," she said.

I nodded,"kay,"

" How about 39,672.7829 divided by 4,324.682," she said confidently.

"9.173172" I grinned.

" Oh come on," she said and I smiled sweetly.

" What are you, a robot," she asked.

" Yes, ma'am, and, I've, come, from, the, future, to, enslave, you, all," I said in a robot voice and I could see my friends about to pass out.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose and groaned.

" You know, when I arrived here a month ago, I asked around and most of the teachers said that you were the best and the worst student that they had ever had. I had no clue what they meant, but now I do," she said and I winked at her but she just shook her head and walked away.

I got out of my chair and started towards the door, my friends following.

The teacher didn't say anything and I thought we were home-free, until jasmine stood up and smirked.

" You're such a useless nerd, Kayla," she said and I turned around, pushed through my friends, then put my hands on my hips.

"and you're such a slut, jasmine," I said and she just grinned.

" at least I'm not the reason that annie is dead," she said and my heart stopped.

Annie had to be my one weakness and this was the first time that jasmine had ever used that against me.

" yeah,but your a," she said but my Allison and Stella grabbed my wrists and held me back as I lunged towards Jasmine and she and her minions shrieked.

"mfhhv nvfvd bf djhf ffczv," I attempted to scream through Rachel's hand as she clapped it over my mouth.

They pulled me out the door as tears welled up in my eyes.

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