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I don't fully know why I wasn't prepared for the hostility shown to me from everyone in Isaac's pack. I should've expected it. Up until now I was here to gain intel on them and then help their Alpha kill them. If Isaac hadn't dug under my skin and into my heart I might have done it without any problems.

Isaac stood protectively in front of me despite the murderous glare Derek sent his way. That man really was a huge Sourwolf.

"Maybe this was a mistake," I whispered even though I know they could here me just fine.

"Well what do you expect from them. Just yesterday you were apart of the bad guys. Just tell them what you told me. Tell them the plan."

Derek growled. "Yes, tell us this marvelous plan of yours that will most likely kill us."

I decided then that me and Derek would clash over everything. We were both considered Alpha's in our own way and working together would take patience. Not to mention that werewolves and vampires are natural born enemies. Isaac and I broke the norm. Werewolves are the reason vampires are nearly extinct.

"I can help you get rid of Kali and Deucalion. Ethan will help us as long as he can stay here to be close to Danny, and Aiden will help because of her," I said pointing to Lydia.

"Great," Derek muttered unhappily. Lydia jabbed him in the side and motioned for stiles to continue.

"Everyone believes him to be blind but he can use his Alpha Eye, as I call them, to see. That's where everyone messes up. They see he has a weakness but he doesn't. Plus, the thing that been sacrificing people. The ah..."

"Darach," Isaac supplied, making me nod.

"Yes, she used to be an emissary until Kali killed her. She's going after them too. Let her have them, then take her out. Kill two birds with one stone."

"And why would you turn your back on them?" Allison asked. "I don't believe Isaac is the only reason."

Derek smirked. Isaac stared at me curiously. I stiffened at the question. It was said with innocence but it held a dark truth for me. I never told anyone why I was with the Pack or how they came to have my loyalty. It was through murder, hate, and vengeance, and a bond created through things like that are very fragile and easy to break. Like a rubberband stretched to thin.

"They killed my family and then made me work for them so I could stay alive. I promise my father as he choked to death on his own blood that I would wait as patiently as possible. Gain thwor trust and them kill them. Even if my own life is the price.

"Somewhere along the lines I forgot that they were the enemies. Isaac helped remind me of that. Gave me a reason to fight again. I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe even if it means protecting people I don't necessarily like."

Silence filled the room. Tension was thick. I didn't care if they believed me; only one persons opinion mattered to me, and his eyes were shining with unshod tears. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

A promise thug we'll make it through. That everything will be alright. A promise that he can count on me without fear of being let down. A promise of a fragile love that's willing to build itself up and make itself stronger.

Hello, hello, hello good people. My finals week has officially started. Today was first and fifth periods. So I spent an hour and a half doing math and writing this chapter. Then went to fourth period which is regular time. Then went to fifth and spent an hour and a half watching Disney movies while we took the finals individually. Then wrote the rest on the bus.

I felt really motivated to wrote this chapter so yea. Enjoy this book.

Also, I have decided of write that Newtmas book after this.

I might also write a second book for this one for the second half of season three. Comment if that's something you'd like or just end it with this. Ok enough I'll go bye!✌✌

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