Chapter 4

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The sun shine hit my face and my alarm beeped loudly in my ear. I sighed as I shut it off. Another damned day. Why did I wake up? I got dressed in a black tank and a leather jacket with some blue jeans. I hurried downstairs and made breakfast. My dad came downstairs and growled, "Don't eat my food." I obeyed and headed out the door. I got to the bus and sat in the front seat. I heard a mixture of giggles, snickers, and whispers behind me. I heard one girl say, "Hey, it's the witch from art class." I growled under my breath, but kept my mouth shut. It didn't take that long to get to school. As soon as I walked through the door there were even more stares than yesterday. Well, I guess the word spread about my panic attack. Fucking fan-tastic. Danielle once again tried to trip me, but instead I put enough force into the step to trip her. Her skirt flew up and a lot of guys roared in amusement. That shows you not to mess with me bitch. I silently chuckled as I walked away.
*fyi I will always skip the classes bc nothing significant happens*
I stepped into art class feeling a relief as I saw Mr. Cerulli getting ready for our class. He looked over at me and smiled, "Good afternoon Lizzie. How are you?" I sighed, "Horrible." He was about to say something when a couple guys came into class. "Hey freak." "Hey witch, are you going to have a spell go wrong again today?" Mr. Cerulli scowled, "Go to the principles office now or suffer harsher consequences." I shivered, but it was because the way he said it reminded me of my dad. They stared wide eyed at Mr. Cerulli, back at me, then back at him and headed out the door. I silently walked over to my seat and sat down. The class hour was just people finishing up presentations. I didn't pay any attention though. I was busy staring at Mr. Cerulli as I remembered my drawing in my bag. I snapped my eyes down when he caught me staring. My cheeks became hot and I looked back up at him to catch him staring at me. He looked back at the artwork being presented. The bell rang and I walked out and into the hallway. I had just put away my things when my locker was shut. I jumped to see Mr. Cerulli standing there. "Why were you staring at me in class?" I kept a straight face and said, "I should ask you the same thing." I started to walk off when he said, "You didn't answer my question." I don't know why what he said annoyed me, but it did, "I don't need to answer your question. Now if you'll excuse me I have a bus to get on." I stormed off and got onto my bus. Papers and v-darts were thrown at me the whole way home, but I ignored it. I opened the front door to see that my dad was suprisingly not home. Which meant he was at a bar. I shivered and made a fast dinner of dumplings and rice. I ate as little as I could so he wouldn't really notice. I was starving. I set his plate down at the table and hurried to my room. Right as I had shut my door I heard our front door open. His heavy footseps went into the kitchen and I heard him begin to eat. I sighed in relief as I lay down in my bed. Then I heard a bellow. "ELIZABETH!" I shivered as I went downstairs. "Yes?" "You ate some didn't you?" I shook my head, "No. It's all for you." He growled, "Don't give me that bullshit." He grabbed me by my shoulder and squeezed in just the right place. I yelped and whined as I struggled to get his hand off. "You aren't allowed anything in this house after what you did. Letting that man drive you home. You probably fucked him on the way here." He threw me down and I let out a small bark. He growled, "Go to your room before I really get angry." I walked back to my room and lay in my bed as I drifted into darkness.

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