Chapter 12

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We sat down and eagerly waited in suspense of the reading of the verdict that would determine if my dad went free or he would be sent away to prison. The judge echoed, "Jury, have you reached a verdict?" A woman in the jury stood up, "We have Your Honor. We find the defendant, Mr. Thorton, guilty of all charges." The judge bowed his head, "Very well, Mr. Thorton, you will be sentenced to to twenty years in prison. Case dismissed." My dad looked at me and mouthed, 'I will find you. I will make you pay.' I shivered as I shook Mr. Fraiser's hand and thanked him. I cried tears of joy as I hugged Chris. "He's gone. He's gone long enough for us to move away after this year and be together. No worries at all. Just us." I felt him smile. We walked out to his car and drove home. We got inside and I was whooping with joy. "I'm free. I finally grabbed the key that unlocked these chains I'm free!" Chris picked me up and twirled me around, and I squealed as he did so. About two months went by and everything was going great. I had been going to therapy for the trauma every day, and my therapist said I was ready for the next step. "Do you have a significant other of any kind?" I nodded, "A boyfriend. He knows already about what I went through." She smiled, "Good. Now only if you are comfortable with it, because of your exceptional progress, you can try to see about sexual intercourse, keyword, try. I mean I am shocked, what could have taken people sometimes years, you have accomplished in just two months." I shook her hand and and thanked her. I had been wanting to have some sort of sexual interaction with Chris, but I hadn't really felt comfortable. I thought maybe that it was too soon to be having sex, but I wanted to at least try. My tactic was to remind myself that Chris wasn't my father. Chris was the man I loved unconditionally. Chris drove me home from my therapy and asked, "What did she say this time." I smiled, "You'll have to wait." He tightened his lips into a straight line so I could tell he was annoyed. Honesly, I did the same thing when I was annoyed. We had dinner and I went into my room. What should I wear? I found a strapless, black dress made of silk. It's length was a little higher than my knees, but it was perfect for such an occasion. I walked to his room where I knocked on his door. He opened it and asked, "Hey Elizabeth. Is everything okay?" I asked, "May I come in?" He let me in and I found a cd player and put in a cd I had put a bunch of slow, love songs on. "What's this?" He asked. "Will you dance with me?" He smiled and put one hand on my waist and the other intertwined with mine. "So. You want to know what the therapist said to me?" He cocked his head to the side, "Hm?" I smiled, "She said if I wanted to try, I could see if I am able to have pleasurable sex." He seemed skeptical, "Are you really sure you're ready. We could wait-." "I would rather at least try now then wait and keep putting it off. I want to have sex with you, or at least try." "Are you sure you want to do this Elizabeth? You could turn back now and I would understand. If you go through with it and want to stop, just let me know." I groaned, "Just kiss me Chris." I pressed my lips against his and I felt the passion grow as the kiss deepened. He picked me up and we fell back onto his bed. He parted our lips and gave me another look of uncertainty. I exposed my neck to him and he brushed his lips on my neck and gave me soft, bittersweet kisses on my neck. He kissed my sweet spot and I let out a slight moan. He started to suckle on it a bit, but not enough to leave a hickey. He unzipped my dress and revealed my bare chest and underwear. I blushed as I looked away. He whispered in my ear, "You're so beautiful." His breath sent shivers down my spine. He looked at me again as if asking permission. I nodded and he pulled off my underwear. He put his lips on mine as we kissed with our bare bodies smooshed together. I felt his tip at my entrance. He gave me another look. I kissed his lips and a growl escaped my throat. I felt his enter and I let out a tiny gasp as it did. He began to slowly thrust and I moaned as he did so, encouraging him to continue. He hit a spot and I moaned a but louder so he knew he had found the spot. He began to thrust faster. I moaned louder and louder. My stomach twisted and my body was convulsing in pleasure. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I climaxed and my back arched. I felt Chris's finger trace the small of my back as his lips ran down the length of my body. I flipped him onto his back and kissed down the length of his body. I put one hand on his dick and started to suck on it. I heard him moan as I began to move my head. I knew when I was hitting the right place for him when he gently entangles his hands in my hair. A couple minutes later I felt something warm and sticky enter my mouth. I flopped onto my side and he cuddled up behind me. "That was the best thing ever. It was so much more pleasurable than what...well, u know." I heard him whisper, "I'm glad our feelings are mutual." I giggled a bit. "Elizabeth?" "Hm?" "I love you." "I love you too Chris. Goodnight." "G'night." With that we fell asleep.

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