Chapter 9

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My dad was coming up to me, rage in his eyes. "You've been a bad girl." I shook my head and turned around to run, but he was behind me in a second. "You trying to run away from me. Not this time." He grabbed me. "No let me go! Let me go! Don't touch me!" "Elizabeth!" Elizabeth!"
*Nightmare over*
I opened my eyes to see Chris sitting there on my bed. His beautiful eyes filled with worry. "It was just a nightmare." He embraced me and whispered in a cooing tone, "This will all be over soon." He started to leave when I whispered, "Chris." He turned to face me, "Yes?" I whispered, "Will you stay with me tonight?" He nodded and I made room for him. He lay down next to me and his arm slid around my waist. I snuggled into his warmth. I soon drifted into sleep. The next morning we woke up at six in the morning by a knock at the door. "Are you fucking kidding me!" I growled as I stormed up to the door. I saw that it was the female cop and goggily growled, "Can't you come back at a later time?" She shook her head, "If we are going to get you ready in a week, you need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed by six o' clock." I groaned as Chris came to the door. "Shouldn't you be on your was to work Mr. Cerulli?" He nodded and got his teacher attire on and drove off. "So, shall we start?" I grumbled as we went back inside. For the next week while Chris was off at work or home doing papers, the cop, whom I learned was named Judy, put me through multiple scenarios I could face, helping me learn what to different so then I would have a better chance of not looking like it was fake, or I was accusing him out of anger. Tomorrow was the first day of the trial. "One more thing. You will have to wear something bright colored and not dark. Light makeup as well. Otherwise, they might sway in his favor." I grimaced at the thought. "Why? Because of the way I look they can immediately judge me?" She nodded, "I think that's all. Well, see you tomorrow." I waved goodbye. "Chris. We are probably going to have to go shopping for, " I shivered, "bright colored clothes." He scrunched up his face a bit as well, "Well let's get it over with." We drove to the mall and went into a store that was well known for semi-formal apparel. We walked in and I went through a few outfits before deciding to buy a yellow blouse and a black, knee-length business skirt. By the time we got home it was dinner time. "Wanna go-." I shook my head. "I want to cook for you. You haven't tasted my cooking once." He tried to stop me, but I glared at him. He surrendered and I headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a couple pots and poured water in one. I turned on one of the front burners and put the water-filled pot on it. The plates were in the cabinet on the top shelf. I tried to reach, but I was just a hair too short even on my tippy toes. I felt myself being lifted up and I looked behind me to see Chris.  I grabbed a couple plates as I was lowered and kissed Chris on the lips. In about 45 minutes I had made my spaghetti, and I gave Chris his plate. I watched as he took a bite and he looked up at me and said with his mouth full of food, "This is great!" I smiled and ate my small portion I had made. After we were done Chris and I went to bed. I had begged him stay with me every night because of the nightmares. He hot in and I snuggled up against him. "Hey, you want to know something?" "What Chris?" He smiled, "I know why your mom bought you that teddy bear." "Why is that Chris?" I snuggled closer as he whispered, "Because you are one." I laughed at his joke and We drifted to sleep and for once I had no nightmares.

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