Chapter 8

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*Elizabeth's pov*

As promised, after a few days, I was released from the hospital. My dad had been arrested for his crimes. We went back to the place I was forced to call home. I grabbed my clothes, my drawings, and my teddy bear. "This the teddy bear your mom bought for you?" I nodded. "Her name is Hannah. After my mom." I felt Chris's hand on my shoulder. I patted his hand and continued packing. After we were done we brought my stuff to his house. I took a spare bedroom that he had ready for me. We unpacked quicker than we had packed, and I looked at the clock. 6:30pm. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked Chris. "Oh, you don't have to cook for me. We could go out or something. Besides, you must be exhausted from packing and unpacking." I thought about it for a second, "I haven't been out to eat for a long time." He smiled, "Then let me take you somewhere to eat." I blushed, "Like a date?" He looked down at his feet and nodded. I giddily squealed, "Ok, just let me go get dressed." He was about to protest and probably say I look beautiful the way I was, but I wanted to dress up. I grabbed a black, knee-length dress that had fishnet all the way down the arms. I kinda showed my cleavage a little, but I was okay with that. I put on some black eye-shadow to match and some light lipstick. I brushed my emerald hair until it came down in waves. I walked out of my room to see Chris standing in a suit and his hair slicked back. He stared at me in awe, "You...You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. With or without being all dressed and made up." I gushed as I sighed, "You look so stunning. I feel slightly under-dressed." He shook his head, "It is I who is under-dressed. I don't stand a chance against your beauty." I grabbed his arm and we headed out to the car. We drove up to a restaurant called Schoop's. "I feel like I remember a restaurant called Schoop's." We headed inside and I gasped, "I have come here before. Or at least one similar. My mom...used to bring me here. We'd have shakes and nacho fries." I smiled at the memories. A waitress showed us our seat and we sat down. "So what do you want to eat?" I shrugged, "I don't know. I." He tilted his head, "You what?" I looked up at him, "All I have eaten has been from school." I saw his fist clench out of the corner of my eye. "You know, he wasn't always bad. He was actually a good dad before my mom died." I grabbed his fist and rubbed his fingers. He took a deep breath and held my hand. I gave him a small smile in return. "How about we order some nacho fries and share them. Maybe share a shake."  I smiled, "That sounds great Chris." That'd exactly what we did. We laughed and talked the whole time. He talked about his life, sine he already knew mine. His was similar to mine school-wise. He was severely bullied by the way he looked and dressed. "I always wondered why people were so mean to people." I gasped, "I feel the same way." He smiled. When we were done he paid and we went home. We parked the car and I looked at him. "Thanks for such a great night. And dinner." He smiled, "Your Welcome Elizabeth." He leaned towards me and we kissed. "We should get inside." I giggled. He nodded and we headed up to the door. "Excuse me! Are you Mr. Cerulli and Miss-." I turned around to see a female cop. "Yes. Is there something wrong?" She shook her head, "Just following orders. I'm here to talk to you about the trial." The blood drained from my face, "What trial?" She answered, "The trial against your father. You need to be there and you will need to testify. I'm here to prepare you." I felt my breath hitch. I couldn't breathe. My heart beat so fast I thought it was going to beat right out of my chest. Chris knew what was happening and grabbed me as he lightly sat me down. He put his arms around me and stroked my hair. After a few minutes I was back to normal. The cop seemed taken aback by my reaction. Chris said, "Maybe you should give her some time to take this all in. She is obviously still in shock." The cop shook her head, "I wish I could give her time, but the trial is in ten days. There is no time to wait." I shook my head as my body started to be racked with violent shivers once again. "Does...does this mean I have to see him again?" The cop nodded. "I will give you tonight to take this all in. No longer. I will see you both in the morning." She walked away and we went inside. "Chris, what do I do? I can't bear to see his face again. I just can't." He pulled me to his chest and smoothed my hair. "I know, but in order to truly be free of him, you need to do this." I knew his words were true. "It's getting late. You should probably rest. You have a big week ahead of you along with a stressful trial. G'night Elizabeth." I pouted, "G'night Chris." He pressed his lips against mine for a few seconds and headed to his room. I did the same.

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