Chapter 7

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I shut the door and immediately my dad grabbed my neck and squeezed. "Just a teacher you say. You just kissed him. And after all we've done together. You kissed him, you slut. Not only that, you forgot my breakfast. Now you will pay." I gasped for air as he threw me down to the ground and started punching and kicking me everywhere. Then, something rose up in me. Energy filled me and I shoved him off of me and punched him square in the nose. It started gushing blood and he looked at me in shock. "I am done letting you hurt me." "Well, then so be it." He stormed upstairs and I took that chance to run out the door. I ran as fast as I could down the street. I was around the corner and halfway down the next one when I heard my dad's yell not that far in the distance. I ran up to the closest house and banged on the door as hard as I could. As the person opened the door, my vision blurred and I blacked out.

*Chris Cerulli's pov*
I had only been home about fifteen minutes playing over our kiss. Someone banging on my door scared me out of my thoughts. I opened the door to see Elizabeth covered in blood and forming bruises. She past out and fell into me. I instantaneously shut the door and locked it as I brought her inside. I need to get her to the hospital. I looked out my window to see a man with a shotgun running down the street. He called a name that sent shivers down my spine, "Elizabeth!" I shut my curtains and rushed over to her. Her nose and lip had drying blood on them and bruises were forming on her. One had already started to become a purplish color. It was hand marks on her neck. He choked her. I looked back out my window to see the man was far down the street. I picked Elizabeth up and put her in my car and drove as fast as possible without breaking the law. My thoughts filled in the clues. That's why she drew that picture the first day. That's why she's had panic attacks. He's been doing this since she was eight. Ten years of abuse. Did he give her that hickey? Did he-. I couldn't bear to think of him doing that to her. We eventually got to the hospital and they took her immediately. "Who are you exactly?" The nurse asked. I didn't even hesitate, "I'm her boyfriend." She nodded, "Who did this? How did it happen?" I growled, "Her father did this. I suspect he has been doing this for years. And I suspect he raped her as well." The nurse patted my shoulder, "We will check. If there are signs of any abuse and rape, we will let you know." I sat in the waiting room for what felt like years, but was only about a few hours. The same nurse walked up to me and I shot out of my seat, "How is she? What's the news?" The nurse stated, "She'll live. We did find signs of long-term abuse and...rape. We also found self-inflicted wounds that had been bandaged." I nodded, "I was the one who bandaged them. It won't happen again if your implying she be sent off. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." "If you want to see her she's awake." I felt a range of emotions run through me as I walked into her room. She looked over at me and made a weak smile, "Chris. So you're my so called boyfriend." I smiled, "I wouldn't have been able to see you if I said, 'I'm the teacher who's in love with her.' " She laughed a little bit and said, "I guess so." I sat next to her and held her hand. "So, I already know the basics about what has been happening to you over the past 10 years. You don't have to tell me now, but I want to know what you experienced. I want you to know nothing was your fault and that you don't need to be ashamed. I don't want you to think that there is no hope. Now that I am here, I will stick by your side. You need me and I'll be there." She started crying and sighed, "No, I'll tell you. As long as I am free from his grip. My mom died when I was eight. She died on the way home from getting me a teddy bear that I had been asking for. He blamed me for her death, so he started to make me cook dinner and breakfast for him before and after school. No matter what I did I would always end up getting a beating every day. Sometimes more than once. A few months ago, he found these drawings I had drawn of me being above him, him being the powerless one, and me being victorious. He thought it meant that I wanted to be with him. That was the night he took my virginity. He has done it every night since then. Today, he saw me kiss you. He beat me as soon as I got inside. He went upstairs to grab something and so I ran. I guess that was your house I ran up to. Now I'm here." I felt something fall from my eyes. Elizabeth reached out and wiped away the tear. "I'm safe now. It's over. It's finally over." With that we kissed. "Just a few more days and I'll be out of here, but I don't have anywhere to go." I smiled, "You can stay with me."

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