Chapter 14

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*Elizabeth's pov*
He threw me into his car and we drove off. I continued to cry as I stared out the window. I felt my dad squeeze my upper thigh, but I ignored it. I just have to pretend he's Chris. I knew Chris would stop at nothing to try and find me. Part of me wanted him to come for me. To be in his embrace again. To be rid of this hell of mine. Part of me wanted him not to. To keep him safe from the harm of my dad. I knew that if he did find us he'd surely be killed.

*Chris's pov*
It had been a month since I had last seen Elizabeth. I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, and the only thing I had left of her was her teddy bear. The police had sent out missing persons report and was working hard on tracking them. I went out and grabbed the mail when I saw a package. It had no return address. I opened it to find a tape. I called Judy and she came over with a few other cops as I popped it into the VCR. It revealed Elizabeth in her bra and underwear and her hands were bound above her head. She had bruises all over her. I choked, "Elizabeth." Then her father came into view. "I saw that missing persons report. I am going to tell you to stop searching Chris. You will never find her, but I will let you enjoy the show." I growled, "No." I clenched my fists as I saw him take out a pocket knife. Elizabeth started to panic at the sight. Then he dragged the blade along her abdomen joined by a long scream of agony for Elizabeth. He stepped out of view and revealed blood trickled from a long cut starting at her waist and ending at her belly button. He whispered into the camera, "Good luck trying to find her. The more you try, the more presents you recieve." I growled as the tape went black. Judy stated, "Take it into evidence boys." The other two officers took the tape and placed it in an evidence bag. They left and I sat there staring at my TV as if the tape was playing even more. I saw something that the cops didn't. Elizabeth told me where they were headed. Where they were staying. She had done sign language with her hands. I needed to take things into my own hands. I grabbed my keys and drove. I had to get there before they did. "Elizabeth. I'm coming for you."

*Elizabeth's pov*
I hoped that when he got the tape he would notice my sign language message. My dad had been raping me. Each time he would growl, "Moan like you want it. You don't want anything to happen to your dear Chris, do you?" He beat me worse than before, he would even leave me broken on the floor. I cleaned up the cut my dad had made. It reminded me of when Chris cleaned my cuts. I slightly smiled at the memory. Chris. I miss u. I started to cry as I thought of him. It hurt to cry because of my injuries I recieved. I put a bunch of bandaging on the cut and lay on the back seat of the car. We drove away from the abandoned building where he filmed. I just hoped Chris would get to the next place before we did. I couldn't bear another day of this torture. "We will be at our next destination in a couple days. Are you excited?" I wanted to scream no, but I had to play along, "Overjoyed." I turned away from him and fell asleep to the slight bumpiness of the road.

Eternally Yours(A Chris Motionless Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now