Chapter 1: shunned

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       "Big sister!"

        A genuine smile made it's way immediately on my lips as soon as I heard the voice of my little brother. My saving grace besides my so-called-fake friends who only want to be with me just because of money.

          He wasn't that young, he was just a year younger than me which meant that he was 16 years old. He's an adorable kid with two deep dimples, standing at 5'8, oceanic blue eyes just like my older brother's unlike mine which was sea-green like my mother's.

             He had jet black hair and a nice built for his age, quite the charming one if I say so. You can say that it's all in the genes.

         He bounded down the stairs and glared at our maids who were all giving me disgusted looks and they hurriedly dropped their gazes and went away due to his commanding gaze making me shake my head with a small smile but deep inside, I was really grateful. I can live without the people from my own home greeting me with such looks early in the morning.

          "Good morning Draco." I muttered as a greeting and he smiled widely, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheeks, my sweet loving brother.

          "Good morning Hazel." He greeted back, wrapping an arm around my shoulder before he stirred me off towards the direction of the kitchen.

          He then ushered me to sit down as he prepared food for the both of us. Scrambled eggs, Bacon, warm chocolate drink and fried rice which probably filled the house with it's aroma. I just watched him do the work the entire time. He always insisted to make our breakfast every morning and that alone makes me warm inside. The very reason why I'm still able to keep going on with every passing day and still live.

           He is my light in my miserable dark life and he gives me joy... Hope... He's the reason why I've gone this far already and I love him very dearly.

           When he finished cooking, he set everything on the table and we began to eat, talking and laughing all the while and just as always... I thought... With him alone... I can pretty much survive... He's all that I need.

           As how I hated the moment ending where in everything seemed at least normal for me... It ended and we needed to separate and go to our own schools. You see, I go to a public school while he attends a private school. It's always been that way...

          The reason?

            My older brother... He doesn't want me anywhere around Draco. He abhors me that's why he doesn't approve of us being together and even talking was a big no no to him.

         However, Draco was stubborn. He stood up for me. The only person who does so for me. He got into a fight with Big brother Kyle but in the end, Kyle couldn't do anything because Draco was persistent on being a brother to me.

          Kyle could only glare at me whenever he saw me around Draco but he couldn't do anything else.

          "Bye Hazel! Make sure to eat your lunch and take care!" He reminded and I nodded with a big smile, waving my hand as the driver started the car and drove off.

         And just as always.... The instant he was out of sight, my hands dropped lifelessly at my sides, my smile fading while I started walking towards my own school. Nobody cares to drive me to school anyway.

        I mean, we have plenty of drivers but I figured that I would rather walk than force them to drive me to school when the last thing they wanted was to drive someone they hated and abhored.
         I started walking, ignoring the loathful looks I got from the guards and I sighed, trying to internally brush off the disturbing memories and thoughts invading my head.

         Life wasn't always fair but what can I do?

         As soon as I reached school, I received the same cold treatment. The oh so familiar looks of hate and disgust, others glaring at me and went so far as to talk loudly and make me hear things.

          And still... Others went so far as to physically hurt me...shoving me, punching me while I passed the hallways, tripping me and so on.

        But then... I was all used to that. What I wasn't used to was the pain. And that's the thing I hate about pain. It always demands to be felt, coming more painful every passing time.

        Classes weren't any different. I just sat at the very back of the room, seats apart from every one else, isolated and alone. I was literally invisible to them. During class hours was the only time I get to be untouched and physically bullied but it hurts ten times more to be ignored... To be cast aside... To be shunned as if I didn't exist....

         I get it that they hate me... That they don't care of my existence... That I didn't deserve to live but that didn't mean that they had to slap it to my face over and over again.

         I already get it. I wasn't that dumb not to understand. I understand that my existence is unwanted. That's why... That's why often, I ask myself too...

        Why am I still alive?

Save Me From The Scars Of Yesterday.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara