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I smiled, feeling the fresh air against my skin in this foreign land. An arm wrapped around my shoulder, making me look beside me and saw Kyle looking at me, a soft and fond look in his eyes and he playfully ruffled my hair, making me pout and smack his hand away which made him chuckle as the breeze messes his hair around.

Just as I thought that things couldn't get any better, Draco appeared, swinging his arms around Kyle's and my shoulder so that he was in between us.

No one spoke as we contentedly stared at our new house before us, located states away from where we used to live. We all wanted a fresh beginning, to begin a new, create new memories and leave the past behind us.

We would never forget though. The past shouldn't just be forgotten because it's a part of who we are. From the past, we became what we are now. We learned our lessons, lessons that will forever be etched into our minds.

Although I didn't wish for what happened to me in the past, I could do nothing else but accept the fact that it happened. I could not change the past, neither can Draco nor Kyle nor anyone else for the matter.

The past can only be a reminder now. A memory. It will serve as a guidance. As I believe it, things happen for certain reasons.

It's hard to forgive, but it's not impossible. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting what they did to you. It means that you're strong enough to forgive and to give them a new chance to make things right and to prove themselves to you.

Although I had thought of giving up many times... Countless of times, I was thankful to have my brothers... My saving grace.

I remember the day that big brother Kyle and I woke up. Draco was fuming mad with tears welling up in his eyes as he cursed us madly for scaring him, desperately trying to brush his tears away as he ranted about how scared he was at the thought of loosing us. He screamed at us, telling us how selfish we were for trying to leave him behind.

He was so mad.... But it was because he cared for us.

I know for a fact though that I am not the only one in this world who went through the same nightmare of reality. No. There are many out there who went through the same things I went through, many who went through things worse than what I went through.

Suicide. Society may regard that as a simple matter and it leaves a bitter taste in my tongue when I know that there are many people out there who think that many people take their lives away just because they're too weak to stand up to their own problems.

No. It's only easy for them to say that because they never went through what we went through. It's so simple to them yet so hard for us.

Sometimes, life can beat someone down someone too much that that someone chooses to give up. Neglected. Their silent pleas of help disregarded. Shunned away by society without anyone there for them.

They've gone through so much that they simply got fed up and lost all hope. It's not a sign of weakness... It's a sign that they've gotten hurt and beat up too much, help being too much late for them...

That's why... That's why I want to help those as much as I want... I want to tell them that they're not alone. They may have no one at their side, but hopefully... Someone hears them...

Scars... Even though they're just scars... They're painful reminders of their cruel pasts....

Scars can do so much...remind someone of unwanted memories...

Humanity nowadays are worse than demons... A small percent being the only ones left that have humanity in them... A large percent being victims....

And that... Is my story... Hopefully... I can make someone try to rethink about their decisions.

You can't just judge someone on outer appearances or rumours... Words can hurt ten times worse than just physical pain. Words can send someone over the edge and off the cliff.

Hopefully... The victims of their cruel pasts... Their silent pleas... I hope people stop being monsters and lend them helping hands...

Words... Small actions... They can either destroy and kill someone or save and give someone a reason to keep on living...

Lame. I know. But hey, I'm serious when I say that you can message me if you have problems in life. Depression... Anxiety... Suicide is a silent killer... Once it begins, it never stops.

So as soon as possible, voice them out... I am not good in giving advices but I can hear you out. Just message me. I'm willing to help.
-thebadgirl05 at your service.

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