Chapter 10

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We froze in our stand and watched Hazel cry in despair, the knife trembling badly in her grasp and I turned to look at Kyle, only to see his tears falling continuously.

"I... I didn't know. I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kyle stated, his voice broken, the only time I ever heard him break... He never broke down... Not since mom and that bastard of a father died.

"I know..." Hazel softly mumbled, a small smile forming on her lips.

"That's why... That's why I'm doing this... Don't blame yourself big brother." Hazel tearfully stated and screams echoed in the air when she brought the knife up and stabbed herself in the stomach.

But she wasn't satisfied with that... She wanted to make sure... Make sure that she'd die because she pulled the blade out again, planning to stab her chest directly to her heart this time...

I felt rooted to the ground but the next thing I knew was that big brother Kyle and Hazel were both fighting for the knife as screams and panicked shouts echoed around.

"Big brother!" I snapped out of my trance when the knife accidentally stabbed Kyle by the chest, making Hazel stop for a moment just the same as our big brother dropped to his knees, his eyes wide before he coughed and blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

"Kyle!" Hazel screamed, only to also fall on her knees as pain flashed across her face. She clutched her stomach tightly before looking up at Kyle as if she couldn't believe just happened.

"Sh*t! Call an ambulance!" I shouted loudly, running towards them and I instantly took the knife from my brother's hand when he pulled the blade out before I threw it away so Hazel couldn't get her hands on it.

"B-big brother..." Hazel whispered weakly and a tall male student quickly caught her before she completely fell when she lost her consciousness, possibly because of blood loss and Kyle weakly called out her name but I barked at him to just shut up and not move when he tried to reach for her.

I felt my eyes sting as I gently layed him down on the ground, removing my jacket and pressing it to his stab wound to place pressure as someone stated that the medics are on the way.

"Idiot." I angrily spat at him as he weakly smiled up at me, only fueling my anger and annoyance more and more.

"You two are fvcking idiots. Getting hurt... Fighting over a knife... I hate you both." I stated. He was about to speak but he only ended coughing up more blood then passed out.

I would've gone mad and freaked out if it weren't for the paramedics that arrived, asking me to move aside for a moment so that they could get my siblings on the stretchers and I did so before following after them.

"C-can we come?" A voice asked behind me just as I was about to leave and rage boiled inside of me when I realized who they are as I clenched my fists tightly.

"You have no fvcking right to come. Not after you used my sister for your own selfish reasons so you can all fvcking get lost you fvcking failures of friends." I harshly spat, not giving any pity as they tested up, the guilt heavy in their eyes and I turned around to run and follow after the parademics before I loose my cool and end up hitting girls.

My thought trained on to my siblings and I clenched my jaw. Fvck. I'll never forgive the two of them if ever they die on me.

All the time that my siblings were both in separate emergency rooms, I stayed outside, doing nothing but wait and hope that both would be fine.

One of the hardest things to do was wait. I didn't even know what to do, I could pace round and round, my mind a mess as different emotions brewed inside me, only to grow more and more each second. I thought I would explode if the doctors didn't come out soon and I'll just barge in.

I wanted to throw things. I wanted to punch the wall and no one was there to witness it until my knuckles were split and blood was oozing out. I couldn't care less though.

This pain is nothing compared to what my sister went through all those years I thought she was fine. All those years that she had fought all on her own.

That's what I don't get most of all. She knew that I was there for her, that I would be willing to hear her out, help her, that I'd stay by her side? Why didn't she though?

Did she not trust me enough? Did she think that I was like everyone else? Heartless and blind? She could've run to me and I could've helped her out.

I gripped my hair so tight that my scalp hurt as my eyes stung painfully and I shut them tight, my breathing ragged. I wanted to scream everything out.

I wanted to bring the bastard I called a father, the bastard I've idolized for so long. The bastard who ruined our family... Hazel's life and her herself. The bastard that made my sister suffer so much. I want to bring him back to life and kill him over and over again with my own bare hands for what he did but it was impossible.

I could only hope that he was already rotting in hell. Paying for everything that he did. He deserved to suffer for all eternity. I damn well hope that hell is real to punish him.

My head snapped to the side when I heard a door opening and the doctor stepped out of the emergency room where Hazel was rushed in and I took in a deep breath to hear what he had to say.

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