Chapter 9

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I was just fourteen years old... Just fourteen... Everything was still messed up as usual. Draco... Big brother Kyle... Everyone else knew nothing about the dark things happening inside the house... No one...

Mom loved us too much... She didn't want the family to be broken... She didn't want to tell Draco and Kyle anything. We let them believe that our family was fine. Perfect. They idolize dad too much. As much as I want say the truth and get dad to stop beating mom up, I can't. She didn't want me to interfere since she says that dad may harm me. She wants me to be safe and it's through me shutting my mouth about it. It meant that I have to keep quiet.

She made me swear not to tell noone. She made me promise and I did because I love her. She loves dad too much to such extent that she willingly accepts the pain...

I was too young... I didn't know how to handle the situation on my own. I didn't know what was the right thing to do... I... Was lost...

I so badly wanted to tell someone... To ask for help because I was scared for mom and for me...

And that's my biggest mistake.... If I had told someone... If I just had a little more courage... None of what happened would've happened...

I couldn't believe that he of all people would do that... He... My own father would break me like that...

It began one day. When no one was inside the house besides me and my father. It was just morning... A Sunday morning...

Mom and all the rest went to church and I didn't know because I was fast asleep and they didn't bother to wake me up, thinking that I needed my sleep with all the homework I attended to until past midnight.

I couldn't believe it... He suddenly barged inside my room and did all things to me... It hurted... I wanted to scream but all I could do was cry my little heart out because he had a knife in his hand, threatening to kill me if I so much as shouted and he had his way with me. Why? Why did that have to happen to me? How could a father do something such as that to his own daughter? Why?

It didn't happen only once... Or twice... Or thrice.... It happened so many times that I couldn't remember how many times he sexually abused me...

That was until that day...

"Please... No more." I whimpered, tears escaping my eyes but he just growled at me to shut up... Eyes clouded with lust and malice and all I could do was cry... It made me sick... I was disgusted of him... But more to myself. I lost my own dignity to my own father...

I felt disgusted every time his hands roamed around my flesh... I was so broken...

"W-what are you doing.... What are you doing to my daughter!" Though my eyes were blurred due to my tears, my eyes registered my mother standing at the doorway... Her eyes widened in horror and disbelief as I choked in my sobs...

Dad finally let me go and I quickly scrambled to put on my clothes as dad turned to face mom who's face was now full of anger and disgust.

"You son of a b*tch! How can you do that to your own daughter!? How dare you do that to my daughter?!" She screamed, angry tears welling in her eyes as I scooted against the wall in one corner of the room... My tears falling one after the other.

Mom began punching dad's chest while screaming at him but I screamed loudly when dad slapped mom across the face, making her stumble down on the floor and hit the stand of a vase that fell to the carpeted floor but didn't break with the soft fall and I crawled towards her, screaming and begging my father to stop until my voice was hoarse.

"H-how many times?" My mom suddenly asked, turning to face me with me tear filled eyes as she clutched my shoulders tightly.

"How many times did he rape you?" She asked with a broken voice and I shook my head, not wanting to tell that I lost count but she kept on screaming and shaking me desperately and I told her finally that I lost count, my own voice breaking as I watched her hands fall limply to her side, tears falling from her eyes as she looked up at dad who even seemed to be bored of everything going on.

"How can you do that to our own daughter?" She asked dad in a whisper but dad merely sneered at her.

"Why not? She's not my daughter anyway. I know that she's just a daughter of one of the guys you cheated me on." He smirked wickedly without remorse and that was the last tug before my mom lost it and I could only watch and scream.

Dad's howl of pain rang in the air when mom picked up the vase beside her and threw it at dad's vase that it broke into pieces due to the force behind it and I could see blood on his face as he dropped down the knife he was holding down on the floor.

"I told you over and over again that you we're the only one I've ever loved... But you never believed me... I could take it that you would hurt me.. But touching my daughter? How dare you." Mom's eyes flashed with a crazed and angry look as she picked up the knife, my father backing up against the wall at the sight of it but mom only stalked closer.

"Don't you dare---"

Mom lunged anyway and tried to stab dad but I screamed when dad caught her arm and they began struggling for the knife.

"What did I do wrong?! I tried to be the best for you! I loved you! How could you do this to me?! How could you do that to your own daughter?!" Mom seethed and dad who looked in fear for his life then tried to talk her out but mom only bit his hand, making him yelp since mom bit in too hard enough to break skin.

Mom quickly took the chance and all I could do was cry and beg her to stop when she began stabbing him continuously.

I watched in horror as blood splattered everywhere, my mom continuously stabbing him while crying even though he was long gone but she didn't stop.

But when she did, she turned to look at me with tear filled eyes as I kept on crying and sobbing.

"Hazel... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for what your father did to you... I'm sorry.." She cried and a lump formed at my throat at how she sounded.

"Mom?" I asked softly.

"I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry if I couldn't be a good mother to you. I'm sorry because I couldn't protect you."

"Mom!!!!!" I screamed my heart out and everything seemed to shatter around me as she took her own life away in front of me. She killed herself after she killed dad and I don't know how long I stayed there while crying and sobbing...

Time slowly passed by as I crept towards them, shakily taking the bloodied knife in my mom's grasp and I stared off into space. My tears long dried since I couldn't cry anymore...

Just when I decided to take my own life... I heard gasps at the door and so is big brother Kyle's voice.

I turned around... Hope rising in me until it died as soon as the words left my brother's mouth...

"Y-you... Murderer. How dare you kill my parents!?"

And just like that... My whole world that shattered just earlier turned nothing but dust... Leaving me in the darkness.

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