Chapter 3: Only me

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"Mommy!" I laughed, jumping into her open arms and hugging her tightly while she showered my face with her kisses. Draco and Kyle soon followed after me and we all tackled mom to the bed, hugging her tightly and kissing her cheeks as she laughed at our playfulness.

"Now. Enough with the kisses sweeties. Where's your dad anyway?" Mom asked, her smile slightly wavering and I noticed it, making my eyebrows shoot up but she just kissed my forehead.

"He went somewhere. He said he's going to meet someone because of work." Kyle responded and mom nodded as she carried Draco in her arms, guiding me and Kyle to the kitchen for lunch.

I was just twelve years old then. I didn't know much about why mom always shakes a little at the mention of dad or in the presence of his very husband.

I can remember asking mom what was wrong when we were both alone but she merely shrugged it off and said that everything was alright.

And being the child that I was, I just believed her every word. I never expected that she would lie to me. She was keeping everything from us. Hiding it so that we won't be affected.

Mom loved us very much. She stays at home and dad is the one who works at the company. Mom used to be a business woman herself. I didn't quite grasp why dad wouldn't let her work and help him instead of telling mom that she should stay at home.

Dad loved us too. He would spend his free time with us and we would often visit other countries when he had time to do so. All five of us would go on trips.

Kyle, the eldest of us three was the ideal older brother. He would defend us if there were other mean kids bullying us at school. He was over protective and he is our super hero.

Draco was the youngest and for that he was treated as the baby. We loved him all so much since he was a sweet little darling boy.

There wasn't any problem in the family. I had an ideal family...Or so I thought...

It happened one day when I came back from school earlier than my brothers. Draco had piano lessons and Kyle went to his friend's house for a project.

I went home earlier than usual because our teachers had a sudden meeting so we were allowed to go home.

When I came home, the maids were busy cooking up for dinner and cleaning down stairs on the first floor while I proceeded to the second floor, planning to go and have fun with mom again when I was greeted by something I never expected...

Something that horrified me but at the same time sent me to tears.

At first, I could hear sobs. It sounded like the person crying was trying to stiffle her sobs but failed.

I was worried since it came from the master bedroom. Mom and Dad's room.

"Please don't do this Jared. Enough... Please." A voice softly pleaded and sobs followed.

I froze in my stand, staring at the door which was slightly ajar and my eyes widened when I recognized who the voice belonged to.

It was mom's...

Blood pounded loudly in my ears and I took small steps forward, peeping on the small crack and tears rushed out my eyes when I saw what was happening.


She was kneeling on the floor with bruises covering her arms. I used to wonder why she always wear long sleeves but now I know why.

"Why did you leave the house without my permission? Did you go out and meet your fling?!" Dad angrily spat, taking me aback at the violence he was showing as he whipped my mother with his belt, my mom begging weakly for him to stop.

"J-Jared. I don't have another man! I'm not cheating on you and I never did so please-----"

"LIES! The photos can't lie! You used to cheat on me after Kyle was born! I don't even know if Draco and Hazel are my real kids!" Dad's thunderous shout of anger boomed inside the house and he beat mom again and again.

I can hear the maids running up the stairs because of all the shouting and I can hear them gasping beside me but I couldn't care less.

"They're your children Jared! I never loved another man besides you! I loved you with all my heart! Why are you doing this to me?!" My mom cried out in desperation, making Dad stop for a moment but then, his eyes narrowed.

"That's not what the photo of you kissing another man explains." Dad fumed, his voice dangerously low and he raised his belt, planning to hit mom again.

Mom on the other hand stared at dad for a moment, her tears flowing steadily down her cheeks and her tear drops dropped to her dress before she closed her eyes as if accepting that she couldn't change what was in my dad's mind.

But I couldn't take it anymore. I opened the door open and ran towards the both of them who were momentarily stunned at my appearance.

"Don't hurt mom!" I cried, hugging my mother as tears ran down my cheeks, wanting nothing more but to be able to protect her.

"Hazel...why are you here?" Dad's voice was low, a tone he never used on me before and it made me shake in fear.

"Classes were over earlier because the t-teachers had a sudden meeting." I stuttered as mom protectively embraced me but I was suddenly pulled from her embrace.

Dad roughly grabbed me and I can feel his nails dig through the skin of my cheeks, making me cry out in pain but he didn't care. He only glared at me as he pushed mom away who tried to stop dad.

"Listen here Hazel. Never ever tell this to anyone." He spat at me with a warning in his voice and I couldn't find my own voice.

"Jared! Let her go! She's your daughter!" Mom cried out.

"Shut up! NOW HAZEL! DON'T EVER DARE!" dad screamed at me and I quickly responded in fear.

"Y-Yes dad." I answered back, frightened at his rough and violent personality and he grinned devilishly before he let me go, mom quickly scooping me up in my arms as dad stood up.

"All of you. Get back to your work." Dad commanded the maids who were by the door and they could do nothing else but glance at us as they left.

And after that... Dad left and came back only until it was late in the night.

Of course, Draco and Kyle never knew...

And the day after that... Every maid in the house was fired and dad hired new ones... Ones that didn't have a clue what was going on in the house just like how Big brother Kyle and Draco didn't know of anything...

I woke up after the dream and found myself crying once again just as what always happens when I wake up after one of those horrible dreams.

That... No one ever knew about that.... No one knew except those maids that dad had hired. Big brother Kyle... Draco... They never knew.

No one did... Only me...
I have a rough schedule guys. Monday to Friday, all students have classes including me. Highlight? Exams are on Thursday and Friday.

Another problem? I have literally four on going stories so my time is divided, blame it on my stupidity.

Anyway. Hope you liked the chap---uhhh, it's not sort of likeable at all I think. Well, I did warn you that this story is a bit... Dark?

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-thebadgirl05 at your service!

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