Chapter 2: friends?

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"Hazel! Let's go to the mall?" Lizzie asked me, one of my obviously fake friends who only dared approach me just for the sake of having a good time that my money has to offer.

And me being the pathetic desperate girl who wants to have at least companions immediately nodded my head, making her and the other three happily clap their hands.

How stupid of me... How pathetic... How desperate...

I pushed the thoughts away, forcing a smile while they walked off, the pitiful me trailing off behind them as they talked together.

Even in this group, no one dared hold me nor even touch me. They were too disgusted off me to even dare. What's funny in that was that it was alright for me to be treated like trash so long as they would at least care to spend time with me.

But what can I do? Rather than die... It'd be better if I try to survive just a little longer til I could. I want to be strong... At least in this type of life. Just for once... I want to fight as long as I can.

Just as always, I spent my money for them. If I could make them happy with my money, why not? At least I could say that for once in my life, someone was happy of my existence even though it was for an entirely selfish reason. What could a mere human like me do else anyway?

I was beyond pitiful, that much was merely an understatement. But then...I could only keep quiet about it and suck it all up. It's not like someone's willing to listen and stay by my side after all.

I may have my younger brother, Draco but I wouldn't want him doing something rash nor feeling emotions I didn't want him to feel by revealing the truths. I can keep it all to myself just for the sake of him even if it meant that I'd always be the one suffering as long as I live.

"Hazel! Do you think you could buy me this?" I looked up from the ground and saw Shane pointing at a human sized stufftoy and saw it's expensive price.

I nodded my head lifelessly and she jumped in joy, about to give me a hug when she thought about it twice and merely just beamed at me. Well that figured.

Money was no problem to me. Kyle, my older brother gives me so much money though it's only mere change for him. Draco receives more of course.

Money is one of the topics I want to speak with my brother. I'd want to tell him that he can keep the money to himself as long as he goes back on how he usually was to me... How he used to be over protective and caring towards me until that incident happened. But... I never had the courage to say so.

I quietly took out a wad of cash out of my wallet and payed for what Shane asked for and she hugged it tightly like a little child who was just given a gift she yearned for, making me smile a bit... Indirectly, I was happy that I was able to make her smile.

Soon, I bought tickets and food for us since they wanted to watch a movie. Actually. These three so called friends of mine aren't quite the wealthy kind of people. They were all kind of poor and they seeked me out to be their wallet with the money I had to offer. And again.... I didn't mind.

The movie was soon finished and it was already late into the night. Not that someone would care to know where I was that late at night.

I gave them money to pay for their ride before I hailed a taxi for myself that led me home. All the while, I kept silent and just stared outside the window, watching things that we passed by until I didn't even notice that we already arrived at our destination.

"Miss. We're already here." The taxi driver politely stated with a British accent and I fumbled with my wallet, taking out some money and handing it over to the taxi driver.

"Keep the change." I stated with a smile and he beamed, taking the money and thanking me multiple times as I got out of the car with a smile on my face. At least he doesn't know my story. It's better that way or he'd hate me too and I don't want another one hating me. I have too much people who have me on their hate list.

I watched as he pulled back and drove away before I decided to enter the gates that the guards had unwillingly opened for me. Not that they have any say to it though.

As I passed by the dining area, I saw Kyle and Draco eating together at the table while talking formally with each other and seeing that my older brother was there, I already had lost my appetite for dinner. Unfortunately, Draco caught sight of me and asked me to join them for dinner, Kyle with a look of disapproval on his face and I know that if I said yes, he'd leave the table instantly and I didn't want that. It's better that way for Draco to be able to spend time with him. I don't want to ruin their connection with each other more than I already had.

"I already ate outside. Thanks for the offer anyway." I curtly answered and lied through my teeth. Of course, because the three of us grew up together and know of each other like the back of our own hands, they immediately knew I was lying but I didn't wait for any comments before I curtly nodded my head and silently headed to my room.

I can hear the clatter of their utensils as they ate but other than, it was only my own footsteps that I could here throughout my little trip towards my own room.

The mansion was too silent... Too lonely... Too scary... Shrouded with a dark and gloomy ambiance... Empty...

All because of me...

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