Chapter 8:

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"What else did he do to you?" Kyle stated, his face looking composed but his tone showed otherwise for he was seething of anger, helplessness, self-blame, anxiety, hopelessness, fear, desperation and frustration all mixed together that I couldn't point which was the strongest.

A flash of pain appeared on Hazel's eyes before she chuckled weakly and I had to suppress the feeling of my throat tightening as I forced down the lump in my throat.

"After all those years of ignoring me and despising me... You only ask me that now? You appear like you care?" Hazel's voice cracked and she shook her head in disbelief, her whole body shaking as she stared at our older brother.

"Why? How could you do that to me? The three of us used to be so close... You loved us so much but after what happened... You didn't bother to even ask me what happened. You didn't hear me out and then shunned me away. You of all people branded me as the murderer so what's this?" Hazel cried in grief and all I wanted that very moment was to go there and hug her but I didn't want to push her into doing something harmful.

I helplessly glanced at big brother Kyle in worry, who in return shut his eyes tight, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

"Just tell me." He stated softly that it was barely audible but we all heard it anyway.

"You stopped being a brother to me so why are you acting like you care now after all these years----"

"Hazel, just tell me. Please."

"Why should I?! Why do you even care?! You aren't supposed to care right?!"

"Just speak!"

By this time, the both of them were screaming at each other already, all the rest of us were quiet and silent.

"Even if I told you, would you even believe me?! No! None of you would believe me!! No one ever did! So why don't I satisfy all of those accusations?! You all hate me right?! You say that I'm a murderer don't you?!"


"A murderer? Sure. Why don't I kill myself so you'll have something REAL to take up against my name----"


"Isn't that what you all want?! I'll kill myself so all of you will be happy----"

"Shut up! Just SHUT UP!" Big brother Kyle shouted angrily, his words thundering all over the place and Hazel looked back at him, her eyes still carrying that crazy glint, an indication that she was slowly loosing herself and it frightened me like nothing else.

"Kill yourself?! What would that solve?! Why don't you speak to us and just face everything and not run away-----"

"Run? Face everything? What do I have to face?! What do I have to fix?! Nothing! I have nothing left so don't speak like you know anything because you're just the same as all of them! You're just one of them who all broke everything in me! All of you destroyed my life!!! Guess what?"

"I'm sick of all of it! I'm sick of being the outcast! I'm sick of having a brother who despises me for something I never did! I'm sick of all of you who did nothing but hurt me! I'M SICK OF ALL OF YOU!" she screamed hysterically and I could see some of her schoolmates already in tears. Guilt...

"Hazel!" I looked at the side, seeing the face of some girls who all looked panicked, five girls crying and sobbing.

"Shane..." Hazel answered, her expression looking more broken than ever and a bitter look on her face.

"Please Hazel. Don't do this." One begged but my sister only shook her head and took another step back.

"Why do you cry for me now? I don't need anyone crying for me. I only needed at least one of you to have tried to understand me before. I hoped for at least one of you to be my real friend. I hoped that at least one of you asked me how I felt, if I was alright... But no... You only befriended me because I had the money. I became your pocket money. I spent my money for you to spend your time with me. Pathetic aren't I?" Hazel weakly muttered and anger flared inside of me due to her words.

This was the friends she had talked about? Friends who used her? I can't believe how much lies I believed. I can't believe how much I didn't know.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Please don't do this, we really do care about you---"

"Lizzie... It's fine. It's not your fault... It's my own decision. Just let me get this over with." Hazel cut her off with her sharp tone and the girl slid down to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably that I began to pity her but I returned my attention to Hazel who now looked at Kyle.

"JUST TELL ME WHAT HE DID TO YOU FOR YOU TO GO THIS FAR! JUST FVCKING TELL ME DAMMIT!" Kyle shouted frustratedly but Hazel furiously shook her head.

"No. You'll only get disgusted off me more than you already----"

"Just tell me!"


"Please Hazel. Just tell me."

"No! No! No! You won't understand! You'll only blame me! You'll only get disgusted!"

"Hazel. I won't, just tell me."


Hazel continued shaking her head desperately but big brother Kyle wasn't showing any thoughts of giving up about it as I hopelessly listened in fear. Unwanted thoughts invaded my head and I was having my suspicions but I forced them back even though the evidence was strong.

Even big brother Kyle looked the same. He suspected something and he was desperate to be proven wrong at his conclusion---

"Hazel, I'm not going to stop unless you tell-----"

"He raped me!... There, I said it... Are you happy?! My own father raped me!!!""

I froze, my mind going blank as big brother Kyle's eyes widened.
Tell me that I heard her wrong....

Tell me that she didn't say what I heard her say...

Tell me that she's lying....

I looked back at my sister who slid to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably, broken and in pain as everyone else froze in their stands.

"My own father.... He raped me... What do I have left? I lost my brother, I lost my family....I lost my friends, my own mother... I lost my dignity....everything.... What do I have left? Tell me big brother Kyle...why shouldn't I kill myself when the very world turned it's back against me?...."

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