#12DaysOfSmut Day 3: Bayrus

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Disclaimer: hindi ito future happening sa TMEUAS o connected sa story. Same goes for the Sethrang chapter yesterday.

Prompt: Journalist AU wherein si Cyrus ang editor ni Barbs.


Cyrus didn't hear the door of his office open than evening.

He had a ton of articles to edit for tomorrow's paper, but he was too busy imagining Barbs on top of him, her hands skimming across her breasts, her hair cascading over her shoulders. Without hesitation, he unzipped his jeans and took his already hard cock in his hand, jerking up and down, imagining her soft hands holding him--

And he heard a loud, familiar gasp. Looking up, he realized that Barbs was in his office, holding a stack of papers. He immediately tried to stuff himself back into his jeans but he couldn't zip it properly because he was ridiculously (and painfully) hard. Out of embarrassment, he just covered himself with the nearest object he could grab on his table: a manila folder.

"Ms. Ramirez, please excuse me for a se--"

Neither of them said anything for like hours. Then, Barbs slowly walked towards him, her eyes narrowed with intent. Cyrus couldn't speak at all. He could only watch as her small hand reached his jeans and pulled out his cock once more, wrapping her fingers tightly around it."

"Let me help you with this, Sir."

After HoursTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon