Chapter 10: Caught

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He left the box back where he found it and exited the room the same. He ended up back in his room and stayed there, not doing anything but laying in bed. He was tired as hell, but after reading all those letters, the thousands that were in the box, his mind just won't shut off. Daryl usually isn't one to pry or snoop, but with that image of him and her in his head, he just can't stop thinking about...Jesus.

The guy looked like fucking Jesus....oh my God, what if that really was him. They said he would arise again....

He starts laughing and shakes his head at the stupid idea.

But even more so, he was very good looking and she seemed really into him. She obviously was if she kept all his letters. As for the date on the first one he read, he must have been talking about the December coming up. Because all letters before that were dated for 2015. There was even one from December 30th 2015. Shit.

Sighing, he rolls onto his side and just stares at the wall. It's ridiculous for him to think she's giving up a guy she loves for someone she tolerates.  A knock on his door pulls him from his dark secrets.

"'s time for work. Are you still sleeping?"'s already Tuesday! FUCK I didn't sleep at all.

" out in a second." He sits up and can feel his body draining. Two days without sleep. Two days of bullshit.

"Okay, we'll hurry up." He can hear her heels clicking on the wood floor and then they fade out altogether. Hurrying to a box, he pulls out his work clothes and undresses before pulling them on. Rushing out the door, he buttons up his shirt as he comes down the stairs and then pulls his tie on, the knot crooked as hell.

"Come on...wait." Beth says and then comes across the floor to him. Daryl watches each step and can't help but find the black skirt and creme shirt she's wearing rather appealing. Tugging on his tie, she readjusts it and then runs her fingers back through his hair so it's out of his face. "You need a hair cut. It's getting long."

"Nah, it's fine. Come on." He pulls away from her, rather rudely and slips his shoes on by the door. Beth just stays in her place and then turns to go to him.

"Did you even sleep last night?"

"Yes!" He snaps and turns back towards the door. He internally yells at himself for yelling at her. "I'm sorry..."

"Just get out the door." She snaps back and they awkwardly head to the elevator and get in. As they ride the box down to the first floor, Daryl feels like a jerk. He just doesn't want to tell her he feels like a block in her happiness. When they reach the bottom, Beth pushes passed him and heads to the garage. He follows behind and when they get there, he hops on his bike. Beth just looks at him from her black Porsche and then gets in. Daryl shakes his head and starts his bike up before peeling out of the garage.

As he takes his route to work, tiredness takes over him and he starts to doze. Beth is a few cars back and is talking to Negan on her cars intercom and then gasps loudly.

"What? Beth? Beth what's wrong?" Negan worriedly asks.

"I have to go. I won't be in today." She cancels the call before Negan can ask any more questions and she rushes out of her car and up to the accident. When she approaches, she finds Daryl laying in the middle of the road, bike on its side and a car a few feet away. The driver exits the car and comes over to Daryl, who is on his back. "Daryl! Daryl!"

"Buddy? Buddy I'm sorry, you didn't even stop at the light. He came right through the red light, I didn't even see him through the crowd of people..."

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