Chapter 18: Hot n' Cold

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Laying down with his head in a book, no seriously, the book is open and resting on his face, Daryl snoozes away. He finally found some peace after his interview and sleep was emerging from him now like a bald head rising with the sun* A play off of Norman's book*. With Mouse by his side on the floor and the couch at its comfiest.


And now it's ruined.

Before he can say anything, Beth comes storming over after slamming the door, whips her luggage to the side and goes to search for Daryl. He stays still against the couch cushions hoping that she won't find him. Mouse hunkers down as well, in hopes that he is hidden from the loud monster that is Beth. With no such luck in their hiding, Beth comes over and rips the book off of Daryl's face and tosses it to the other end of the couch. Mouse runs up stairs and hides in Daryl's room, and Daryl just keeps his eyes shut.

"I know you're awake! You bastard! Stop pretending." She hits him in the shoulder and his eyes break open. She is pissed. He can't even run away; he's already caught.

"Good to see you too, dear." He antagonizes her and she growls.

"Don't you 'dear' me! What is wrong with you?"

"Well, where should I start? For one, my shoulder hurts." His sarcasm fuels her anger.

"You deserve that. I mean why would you attack Negan?! Are you trying to get fired? You slack on your work, you leave early, fall asleep at your station and you punch your supervisor?! Are you clinically insane?" Her voice is shrill and Daryl just sits up and shakes his head.

"I haven't been sleeping. It's not safe to work with heavy machinery like that- so yeah I went home a few times, I passed out on the job." He has nothing to hide. He wasn't in the wrong. "Your dictator of an asshole underman was making my hours ridiculous for the last few months. I tried taking time off but he refused my request. When I tried to leave for the safety of everyone else, he stopped the elevator, got in my face and denounced me."

Beth backs up a bit as the yelling enters her personal space.

"Ya wanna know what else yer little desk jock-strap had been saying? He's been running his mouth at bars that he should have been your first choice in husband for this arrangement. That he knows the business and when you fail he can take over and please your father. And when he pushed me back to work, I finished the job. Finally when I was ready to go, he broke the kickstand off and broke the whole gas chamber. He was trying to push me over the edge and ya know what? It worked! I punched him in the God damn face and I don't feel one bit sorry or remorseful about it! So there's your story. You want proof- check the tapes!" He huffs out an exhausted breath and Beth just backs up some more. She's never seen him like this- so angry and yet passionate. He looks run down. His eyes have thick dark circles under them and he seems to have lost weight- if that's possible for a guy so thin to begin with. He seems weak. Her lips twitch and she feels sorry for his endeavors.

"I'm...sorry. I didn't know any of that. I don't need to watch the tapes...I believe you." Going closer to him, she slowly envelops him in an awkward, yet comforting hug. His arms just dangle beside him and he closes his eyes. This...this is what was missing. He missed her. "Why haven't you been sleeping?"

"I...uh...I just.."

"You just what?" She looks up at him and he just reveals all with his eyes. "Oh."

Just as she thinks she may want to say she missed him too, her phone goes off and Daryl just pulls away. He knows business comes first. Beth looks at her phone and normally she would pick up, but a part of her just wants some alone time with Daryl. She hits ignore and Daryl just turns back and looks at her. He's surprised. Shocked really.

"I'm going to put my stuff away..." She says nervously and hustles to her suitcases and then runs upstairs. Daryl watches her as she goes and a small smile comes to his lips. Heading up after her, he gets to her door and just laughs. "Son of a bitch."

He starts to back away and she flings open her door.

"You cleaned my room?!"

"How could you call it a room? It was like a dumping ground or some sad pathetic shrine of shit." Furrowing her eyebrows she bursts towards him and as he backs away from her, she ends up tripping and they both fall backwards. Landing on top of Daryl, Beth can feel his arms around her waist and her head is in his chest. He sighs and they both look up at each other.

"You okay?" She sweetly asks and Daryl just nods his head and sits up, she is now forced into his lap. They look into each other's eyes and there's something there. Some kind of recognition. "I'm sorry."

Getting up, she puts her hand out and he reluctantly takes it. Standing up, their hands are still clasped together and suddenly neither can take the burning. Jerking her into his grasp, he picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. Her hands are in his hair and his hands are on her ass. Their tongues fight over dominance as they passionately kiss. The kiss is hard and forceful, demanding, bossy. He backs her into the wall and she groans at the pressure of him against her. She's longed for it. She's been ready for so long. Getting away from the wall, he gets through her doorway and they thump to the bed. Looking down into her eyes as he hovers over top of her, he finds so much need and want in her eyes.

But looking in her eyes, he also finds fear. The look that he's seen only once before- on a teenage girl who never experienced the physical game of sex. she a virgin?

"What's wrong?" She asks him half out of breath. He's lost it. The ambition. The drive. It's different. To him, having sex is like a sport, a game, but when you have a new player on the team, you can't play the game normally. You almost have to play it as if your opponent is a child. You have to let them win. And right now, Daryl doesn't want let her win. He wants a challenge. He's wanted this for nearly their whole marriage. The way she acts and dresses, he figured she was a well played, experienced professional. Then again, she's only 21. She would've lost it in college or if she behaved like a 21 year old. But she doesn't get that. She has to be refined and hard working. "Oh..."

There's that same word that moments before seemed mystified and happy. Now it is sad, depressed, and disappointed.

"I'm sorry...I just...I...shouldn't have done that." He pulls away from her and leaves the room before she can beg him to stay. Sitting up, she feels confused and empty. Why did he pull away like that when she was so certain of herself? Laying back to the bed, she feels her chest just rise and fall in humiliation.

He knows. Not even my husband wants to touch me. I was so sure when I got back that it would change between us. That maybe, well, that he'd want me. I'm so stupid. He doesn't love me. He doesn't want me. Who would want an ugly virgin like me!

She cries harder as she cover her eyes with her palms and just wishes she didn't come home. She figured he would have wanted to just fuck. Doesn't every man? So what if she's never had sex before? Does it really matter?

It's been a long time since he's probably been with a woman. You'd think he'd jump at the opportunity, unless... Unless he's been secretly seeing someone while I was gone. And he can't sleep cause he feels guilty. That must be the reason!

Sitting up once more, she wipes her eyes and now she's angry. How could he cheat on her? She would never cheat on him. Yeah they fight more than anything, but she is still loyal to him. She sort of expects him to give her the same respect. Apparently she was mistaken though.

I'll find out just who he's screwing. Catch him in the act or...or something. But then what? What will that prove besides a broken heart. If he knew how I felt about him, then it'd be at a loss.

Going to the door, she looks down the hallway and notices his bedroom light is on. Knitting her eyebrows together, she growls and then slams the door. Leaning against it,she shakes her head and feels more tears spring up in her eyes.

Why am I crying? This is so stupid. He wouldn't be crying if he was in my shoes. I''m making myself more upset than I should be. I'm not gonna cry over that asshole. If he doesn't want me...then fuck him!

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