Chapter 11: Hurt

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Sitting at her desk, Beth looks over the paperwork that was supposed to be done two days ago. These last few days have done nothing for her stress. At this point she is beyond help. Every time she sits down to work, her mind goes to Daryl in the hospital bed telling her they're done. Sure, they were only married for a little less than a week, barely knew anything about each other, but it still feels like a kick in gut. Every day she calls the hospital for a update on Daryl, most of which ends with he's recovering well. She wishes she could convince him not to leave her. She needs him for the company to thrive. Okay, maybe she misses him a little as well. Being with Daryl was fun and an adventure, even if they fought quite a bit. He didn't expect her to act like an old business woman, a stiff, a wall. He encouraged her to be spontaneous and almost child like.

"Ms. Greene, there's a call for you on line one." Negan comes over the intercom and Beth picks up the phone and hits the flashing red button after primping herself to sound a little cheery.

"Beth Greene, CEO of Greene Cycles..."

"Good afternoon, Ms. Greene. This is Andrea Lincoln with White Horse engines, we recently heard about the employee you are housing over there that fixed the dead engine. We were quite impressed with his work from the video we saw and was wondering, if we could have an in house meeting with him. Could we have his contact number."

"He doesn't have a cell phone, but you are more than welcome to leave me your information and I will have him get back to you..."

"You see Ms. Greene, quite often when people in your position say that, they never follow through. I would much rather speak with him first hand." Beth rolls her eyes and turns in her chair.

"I understand. He is currently a residence of Grady Memorial downtown. Daryl Dixon, fourth floor."

"Thank you so much. Have a good day." The call ends and Beth just slams her phone down into the receiver. Pressing intercom, she calls Negan into her office.


"Who the hell took a video of Daryl in shop working?!" She angrily asks and Negan's eyes go wide. He's never seen her like this before.

"Why...whatever are you talking about?" He almost sounds sly with the one corner of his mouth curving up as if he has a secret.

"The God damn video of Daryl starting that dead engine! Who video taped it! I know you know. You know everything that goes on down there!" She gets up and crosses to him. He stands tall and just watches her. "Negan!"

"Me. I thought you'd want it on record for your parents that this one isn't so useless." Slapping him across the face she turns away from him and heads back to her desk. As he strokes his reddening cheek, he wipes his tongue over his teeth and just watches her.

"Now there is another company, our competition, asking to meet with him. Probably to steal him away from me!"

"You?" Negan raises his eyebrows and smirks.

"My company! God knows we need all the help we can get. And his bike knowledge is outstanding. If we lose him, we'll go under."

"Then it looks like you need to honey pot him."


"Honey pot him. Get him to want you, kinda like seduce him. Up until now I assume your marriage was based on just living with each other. And knowing that I'm not surprised he lasted as long as he did."


"Work your magic and stop being a little brat. Use that renowned body for something other than showing off." Turning on his heels, Negan exits the office and Beth slouches back into her chair. Negan has a point. Up until now they're relationship was merely acquaintances. If she wants to keep him at her company, she's going to need to seduce him.

Buttoning up her jacket, Beth walks out of the office and takes the elevator to the parking garage. The whole way down, she leans against the wall and feels conflicted. On one hand, she doesn't want to lose Daryl to another company. On the other hand, it gives her a chance to prove to her family that she can do anything on her own. But there's more here than just her. There's Daryl, who needs the money and support. Unlocking her car, she gets inside and lays into her seat. How do you make these kind of choices? Which way is the right path? Her heart? Or her business?

Her mindlessness leads her to the hospital. Soon enough she finds herself at the hospital, standing outside his room with her head down. Creasing her hands and her shirt together, she gives it one last tug and as she reaches for the handle, the door opens up and she's face to face with a blonde woman, middle aged and business attired.

"Ms. Greene." The woman pushes passed Beth, pissed almost at her presence and Beth slowly walks in. Daryl lays in the bed, the tv on and blanket up to his waist. Taking a breath, she walks in and shuts the door behind her. Two days ago, she walked out of this room thinking it was her last time seeing him.


"Hey..." Daryl says as he flicks through the channels. His chest is exposed and bruised. His wrist is in a small brace and he has a patch of gauze on his shoulder. "Can you grab that pillow over there for me?"

She points to the one in the chair and he nods, never looking away from the tv. When she hands it to him, he takes her by surprise when he whacks her across her face with it. She's taken aback and he tosses the pillow to the end of the bed. Standing there confused and slightly amused, Beth just looks at Daryl with a small smile forming on her lips.

"What was that for?"

"For thinking I was going to go work for that woman."

"You said no?"

"Of course I did. She's such a tight wade that it'd be no fun- that and their engines suck." He finally looks away and she sits down in the arm chair. Her face now beaming.

"That hurt." She says and Daryl shakes his head.

"They hurt to sleep on too."

"Daryl, about the other day..."

"It's fine. I over reacted. You knew him for a long time and obviously have something. I guess it just hurt knowing I was just a business deal."

"So you were jealous?"


"Don't lie to me Dixon." She laughs and all Daryl can do is blush.

"Maybe a little. You are my wife."

"Does that even mean anything?" She honestly asks and Daryl looks sideways at her.

"I...I mean, you pledged your fidelity to me. So I guess so."

"I did, didn't I. Daryl, will you stay married to me?"

"Well I didn't sign any papers yet... so I guess so." He stretches out the best he can and Beth just looks at her hands.

"I'll admit...the last few days were a little rough."

"Were they?" It surprises him. He thought she would have forgotten all about him. He's a nobody. How could anyone miss him?

"Yeah. When I got home, I realized that I was alone. I ate alone and I sat alone. I realized that even though we were only together for less than a week, that those days with you made a difference in how I felt." She pauses and stands up. Walking over to him, she grabs his hand and looks at him. "I don't want to feel alone. I want to be able to laugh and joke around. I want to know that when I walk through my doors, that somewhere inside the penthouse is you waiting to greet me."

", um. No ones ever said anything like that before to me. I guess I missed you too." Her heart pulsates for a few seconds and she seems lost in his words. He missed her.

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