Chapter 21: Struggling Man

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As he sits in the penthouse, head between his knees and arms over his head he feels his world collapsing. She had only been home for a day and they fought. The last thing he did was yell at her. Now she's gone.

Hours pass. Days.

His face is unshaven and his hair is long. He asked for work off and was graciously granted the time. But all he's done is sit in that same spot and feed and take Mouse out. He can't move other than that. The house has began to collect dust and clutter.

It's one afternoon that he's sitting in his spot that the door opens behind him and he feels as if his mind is playing tricks on him. He hears it's handle unlock and the hinges squeak. He remains unmoved. Mouse does not. He's off of the couch whimpering and prancing behind Daryl somewhere. Soon the light turns on and Daryl turns in hope of finding Beth, but it's Grandpa. He goes to him in false excitement and is too weak to truly stand so he props himself up against the counter.

"What happened to you?" The old man asks and Daryl just looks down. "You look as though someone's died in your lap."

"Beth..." He's about to blow up when the old man moves passed him towards the kitchen table. He gestures for Daryl to sit.

"Struggling man."


"You were a struggling man, but you have moved on. Now you are a struggling man and you've got to move on." It's ominous and Daryl doesn't quite understand. "She told me you have to do what you have to do. So what if you work for Shepherd- you are just across the street. So do not struggle over this."

"I don't know what we are..."

"Have you not been answering your phone because you are mad at her or because you are upset with what perspired here?" Grandpa looks at him with honest eyes and the young man can barely comprehend.

"My phone died- I guess I forgot to plug it in since last week..."

"Goodness gracious. This is why we need landlines again. None of this wireless cockamamie bull diddly. Beth has been trying to call you and tell you she is sorry for what happened between you and her father. She said that she will be home on Wednesday so you can tell her all about your new job." He sits confused and the old man just plays with a marble that was in his pocket. The blue orb spins soundlessly on the table. "I've had this marble since I was 7 years old. It was one that caught my eye in the general store where my Father worked. I wanted it so bad that one day I took it without paying. When my father saw me showing it off to the boys on the block, my Father simply took it from me in my sleep. When I woke up and found it was missing, my heart sunk. I told my father what I had done and he held out the marble for me. He said 'When you are struggling son, you don't take what you feel is yours- you work to find a way to get what you want.' I worked all day in the fields to save up 25 cents for that marble."

"I'm not sure I connect that story to what happened with your Grand-daughter."

"Beth has worked hard everyday to get where she is. Sometimes she forgets that there's more to life than trying to please everyone. When she first met you, she was struggling to find a way to be happy. She thought working her way to the top of the company to dethrone her father and siblings would make her happy. But since our little arrangement I have noticed a change in her. She isn't pushing herself as hard as she had been. She smiles more and seems to laugh without permission. You are her blue marble. She's working hard for you. She just doesn't realize it just yet." Taking Daryl's hand in his, he clasps it between his hands and when he gets up to leave, the blue marble rests in Daryl's hand. The old man leaves the apartment without a goodbye or last words. Opening his hand, Daryl looks at the blue marble that is still so shines and perfectly made. It's as though it is new. Blue and green ribbons are formed in the middle of the marble. Making it looks like the two colors are dancing together.

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