Chapter 12: Not So Much

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Of all the days to get up late, today was by far the worst. Rolling over in bed, her eyes catch the alarm clock and alarms go off in her head.

"Shit!" Bursting out of bed, she haphazardly pushes through her messy room to the closet. Grabbing anything that resembled work clothes, she throws them on and rushes out her bedroom door. Hustling down the steps, she finds Daryl sitting on the chaise lounge, eating a sandwich and watching what seems to be a nature show. "You didn't think to wake me up?! I'm gonna be late. My alarm didn't go off."

"It did go off...I just canceled it." He says with a bit of sandwich in his mouth. Beth turns on her heels and looks at him angrily.

"What the Fu...."

"You got a call this morning saying that the building was getting some renovations and that you weren't needed. So I turned off your alarm clock. You've been so stressed out that I figured you needed to sleep." He continues to munch away at his sandwich and Beth just calms down. It was sweet that he wanted her to sleep and noticed she was stressed. He did what Beth hoped any other man she would have married would have done. Going over to him, she stands in front of the Chaise and he just looks at her. Her black pencil skirt is wrinkled, her red silky blouse is buttoned haphazardly and her hair is a mess. She looks so sexy right now, but Daryl won't say anything. To make things worse, she gives him almost a pouty face as the morning sun beams around her making her look even more radiant.

God, if I was any kind of man I would take her right here, right now!

He watches her and to his surprise, her hands slide down the front of her blouse to the top button. Unbuttoning it, her eyes never leave Daryl's. She goes to the next one and Daryl gulps as he sees the tops of her breasts. When she gets to the third one that's buttoned, he finds she's wearing a black camisole and almost dies because he thought she would be in just a bra. He's noticed in the laundry and from her messy room, that she wears sexy black lingerie that he so desperately wants to see.

"Like what you see?" She seductively says and Daryl just gulps and doesn't move. He's hard as a rock, but can't stop looking at her. If he moves, he may just burst. He can't say anything. He doesn't know what he should say or do. It's a very delicate situation. He could make a move and she could find him repulsive- or he could make a move and she'd be head over heels for the idea.

Just as he's about to find some kind of breath, Beth has all the buttons undone and she lets the loose material fall off her shoulders and onto the floor. Daryl begins panting at the sight of her. Stepping out of her high heels, she starts crawling up the chaise lounge towards Daryl, who is flush and sweating from exciting. As she reaches him, a hand firm lays on his right thigh and it's so close to his cock that he can almost feel the heat from her. Getting closer to him, her hand brushes a tossed his dick and reaches over him- grabbing the fleece blanket off the arm of the couch. Just as Daryl believes she's going to make a move, she flips on her butt beside him and pulls the blanket over top of them both. She snuggles in close and lays her head against his shoulder and watches tv.

Daryl jut sits there disappointed and hard. He thought she was going to at least make out with him, but no. He gets nothing.

"So are they in Brazil or Paraguay?" Beth asks and Daryl just grumbles to himself before getting up from the chaise. Beth falls to his empty part of the chair and looks confused. "Where are you going?"

"I'm taking a shower!" He growls and trudges off to his room. Sitting there looking at the tv, Beth smiles and then frowns. She knows she shouldn't play games like that. Maybe she was just looking for some intimacy- to see if it was there. Sure Daryl got excited, but any man would. Most men would have pushed her face down to their dick for her to suck it- she supposes. But Daryl isn't like most men. No. She doesn't fully understand him. Getting up, she tosses the blanket to the end of the couch and sits on the edge of her cushion. Why did she do that any way? The moment took her. She wanted to do something- maybe. She's not too sure. In one hand she wanted to cuddle and be close to the man who plays the role of her husband. But on the other hand, she doesn't fully know him well enough to share something like that.

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