Chapter 24: Seperate Worlds

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She left before him today- something she hadn't done since the beginning. Her face made up, but under it all she was cracked and broken. Her red dress that once fit like a glove now felt loose and baggy, but she doesn't care. As if that is the biggest thing on her mind right now.

Walking into the parking garage of GCI- Beth drags herself through the dimly lit area toward the elevator. In all her years, today seems the dullest and shittiest. The air is stale and the lights that usually burn her eyes, simmer.

"Why good morning Ms. Greene." Dale cheerfully says like every other morning.

"There's nothing good about this morning." Beth grumbles inaudibly and enters the elevator, confusing the poor security guard as she goes. The ride up the shoot is dreadfully quiet. The elevator music itself seems more like a low scratchy hisses of an orchestra that is being played at the bottom of the ocean.

I need to just...disappear. I feel nothing. Nothing- like always.

When the elevator dings, she exits and Negan is waiting at the entrance like always. His warm smile dulls as he notices her unBeth like state.

"Well hoooley crap. You look like someone just slid a dick down your throat and you thanked them for it." Looking at him, she finds nothing would make her feel more enjoyed than shoving a fist up his ass and playing him like a god damn puppet.

"Fuck off." She fully says and enters her office. Negan is close behind with an angered grin on his face.

"I gotta say, I am totally unimpressed right now. I mean, I just did you a world of favors and you give me some kinda 'suck ass' response. Not cool."

"Maybe you're just that much of an asshole or you simply just forgot because of your huge ass ego- but I am your boss. So regardless to what you think is acceptable and not acceptable to say to your boss, you best just watch who you're talking too."

"You have some beach ball sized lady nuts to be talking to me like that. After all the years of service I have provided to you and your family and this is the thanks I get. And you push me!" Negan aggressively pushes Beth towards her desk, causing her to trip over the rug and land on her ass in the floor. "Stupid little bitch named Beth who thought she knew shit, but didn't know shit. Suck ass Beth! I have held your hand for nearly 7 years, watching you crawl on your hands and knees in here from failure meetings with companies, giving you insane amounts of my free time to help you out- I even made you spaghetti- and I get some shit ass look on your face and some boohoo shit excuse because your hubby is getting in your way."

Beth cowers back and just feels his intense, scary, manifested ego get bigger.

"You see this? This kinda thing right here. This just tickles my balls! You actually think that by acting scared that I'll let up." Negan tosses one of her chairs across the room and it smashes the mirror and then the bottles of liqueur on the corner stand. Beth backs up some more and a few tears spring up in her eyes. "Are we pissing our pants yet? Boy, do I feel we're getting close."

"Stop...Negan..." Looking up at him, she notices a bandage around his wrist that wasn't there before. His eyes are slightly dilated and his whole stature seems borderline psychotic.

"You think you know shit- think your little arrangement with dick pants is gonna save your company. Gonna keep you in the spotlight. Let me clue you in. Nothing you do is gonna make that family accept you. I've played your games. I've fucking let you run me ragged. I'm done eating dinner without you putting out. Meet my little friend- Lucille." Pulling out a a wooden bat with barbed wire around it, Beth's eyes go wide. "She is a full on fucking badass barbed wired bat that is awesome. And maybe someday she will make that little prick Daryl into a squashed little prick Daryl. But today, I'm feeling generous and I don't wanna ruin that! So, think about what could happen. Think about what just happened. And think about what still can happen. Half of everything you own- belongs to me now."

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