New Huntress part 2

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Lilian's POV: (I don't normally do this but I thought it would be less confusing this way for this chapter)
As Ariston and Lilian made their way through the forest, Ariston informed her of his usual mode of communication and after he had demonstrated, she assured him that he could go back to doing it.

All while they were walking, Ariston made sure he was not being followed by his friends (he wouldn't put it past them). Lilian was skipping slightly as she followed the cloaked figure through the woods. Somehow, Ariston had put her completely at ease and he didn't understand how he did that but he seemed to be the only one that could have that affect on her at this time.

It was still nighttime, but the dawn was not far off. The trees rustled in the soft wind, masking any of the softer noises that Ariston had made. However Lillian's footsteps could still be heard as she was not yet trained and the art of silence was not yet part of her skills.

"Ariston," Lilian started, "how much farther is it?"

Not much farther," he assured her, Just-


An arrow suddenly appeared at Ariston's feet. We're here, he said needlessly.

A girl who looked to be around fourteen or fifteen, wearing a silver sweater and a silver circlet across her brow jumped down from the trees. She had dark black hair and strikingly blue eyes. She also held a bow, notched and ready to shoot in a split second, aimed directly at Ariston.

"Who are you?" She demanded.

Come on, Lieutenant, Ariston said wearily, putting his head in his hands to rub his eyes. Or at least that was what Lilian assumed he was doing, it was kind of hard to tell with the hood he was wearing. We've been through this, my name is Ariston.

The girl still didn't lower her bow. "What are you doing here?" She demanded again.

Ariston sighed. Why do you think? He said, still in that weary tone. I have come with a potential recruit, just like last time.

The lieutenant still didn't lower her bow. "You know the routine?" She asked.

Ariston bowed over dramatically. After you, he invited.

She still didn't move.

Ariston sighed yet again and started to move in the direction where Lilian assumed the camp to be. You'd best follow me, Lilian, she'd shoot you if you did not go before her, he called back.

Another twang was heard and an arrow flew by Lilian's head and almost hit Ariston's back. She gasped and waited the next agonizing seconds for Ariston's reaction.

Somehow, his reaction didn't surprise her; Ariston reached back and caught the arrow while still walking forward.

Course I've learned from experience, he commented lightly.

At the camp, the girl with the bow (which she still hasn't put away) took the lead and shouted, "Ariston's back!"

Lilian heard a rush of footsteps hurrying to get to where the lieutenant was. "What do you want now Ariston?" One girl asked in annoyance.

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