Chapter 24

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After Zander and I found her, I sat on the sidewalk for 20 minutes as she cried on my shoulder. Finally, I helped her into Zander's jeep. "Her address is-" I started to say before she cut me off. "No." was all she said, lifting her head from my lap. "Alright." I said as I stroked her hair and she laid back down. "Take us back to my house." I instructed Zander as he pulled away from the curb. My phone pinged and I quickly grabbed it before it could disturb Kya. It was my mom. She and my dad were both staying at the condo we owned in the city because they had worked so late. For once I was grateful my parents were workaholics.

15 minutes later, Zander drove down my driveway. Kya had fallen asleep in my lap on the way, and I held a finger to my lips as a sign to be quiet when he opened the backseat door. He nodded and gathered her into his arms. She stirred but stayed asleep. I unlocked the front door and Zander followed me inside, Kya in his arms. I lead him upstairs to the guest bedroom and helped him lay her in the bed. We left after she was settled and I closed the door softly behind us.

We went downstairs into the kitchen, where I fixed a pot of coffee. We sat at the table listening to it brew. Zander finally spoke as I poured the coffee into two mugs. "What happened to her?" he asked. I sat back down and handed him one of the mugs. I sighed. "I don't know. Hopefully she'll open up in the morning." I responded. He grabbed my hand. "Whatever happened to her she'll be okay." he assured me. I looked up and met his eyes. "How do you know?" I asked him. He smiled a little as he answered. "Because she has you as a friend." he finally said. We finished our coffee and I walked him out to the jeep. "Don't hesitate to call me for anything." he said as he climbed into the jeep. I nodded and waved as he backed onto the street.

I locked the front door back and climbed up the steps. I checked on Kya to find her still asleep. My stomach was in knots as I brushed my teeth. I changed into pajamas and quickly braided my hair to keep it out of my face. I finally laid down and fell asleep. At 3 o'clock in the morning, I woke up to screaming. I ran to the guest bedroom and found Kya tangled in the sheets. I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her. "It's just a dream. It's just a dream." I whispered as she woke up. Her eyes opened and she blinked at me. "Ava?" she said quietly. "I'm here." I assured her. I helped her out of bed and into my bathroom. She insisted on showering so I started a shower and left out some comfy pajamas for her.

She emerged from the bathroom 10 minutes later. "Is it okay if I sleep in here with you?" she asked me. "Of course." I told her and she climbed into my bed. I fell asleep after making sure she was okay and I didn't wake up until the morning. I looked at Kya first and found her still asleep. Then I looked at the clock. It read 9 A.M. and I knew Kya's parents had to be worried, especially her father, who was a cop.

"Hey." Kya said quietly. I turned to find her wiping her eyes. "Hey Ky." I responded. "I know you're wondering what happened." she said, not meeting my eyes. I took her hand. "Not unless you want me to." I told her. She finally met my eyes and I saw more tears swimming there.

"It was Caleb." she said. "Who?" I asked her. "The guy from the mall. I went out with him last night and for the movie and dinner he was so nice... he even... he even bought my popcorn." she said as something between a laugh and a cry racked her body. I tightened my grip on her hand and she continued. "Then after we left the movie and got back in his car, I thought he was gonna drive me home, but he stopped the car in this little clearing a few minutes from town. I asked him what he was doing, but he didn't respond and just kissed me. I figured he just wanted to make out a bit before dropping me off but that wasn't what he wanted-" she cut off, a sob stealing her voice.

I held her hand until she calmed down enough to continue. "We broke apart and he kept telling me how beautiful I was. I was getting a little creeped out and I asked him if he could drop me off, but he just looked at me. Then he randomly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the backseat. I started screaming then but he slapped me and told me to be quiet." she continued talking, trying to hold back more tears. "He slid his hand under my skirt and I just kept telling him no and pushing-" she paused, catching her breath. "pushing his hand away. That's when I saw what he was doing. He was pulling a condom out from his coat pocket and what he wanted to do sunk in. He was trying to-" she broke off, tears flowing down her face. "Ssshh. Sssh. It's okay. I know." I told her, wiping tears from her eyes. She pushed on, anger fueling her voice.

"I pushed him with all my strength and climbed back into the front seat, grabbing my purse. I had left it open and was looking through it when he grabbed my leg. He... he pulled me back, but I held onto my purse. He started pulling on my skirt and I grabbed the pepper spray Daddy gave me last year. I-" she looked me in the eyes and then looked down at my hand, still holding hers. "I sprayed him in the face, opened the door, and ran. I ran until I fell and that's where I called you from." she said softly, still looking at our hands. "Oh, Ky." I pulled her to me and hugged her. We stayed like that for a moment. I could hear her softly crying. I was also crying but stayed silent. I couldn't believe Kya had gone through this. Confident, wonderful, and strong Kya.

"Alright." I said, pulling back and getting off the bed. Kya followed me as I led her into the bathroom and handed her some clothes. "Here's what we're gonna do Ky. We're gonna go talk to your dad and we're gonna tell him what happened." I told her. "What? I can't." she said. "Kya listen to me. Caleb can not- will not- get away with hurting you like this." I said, holding her gaze. After a moment, she nodded. "You're right." she finally said. I smiled at her. She sounded strong, like herself.

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