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"H-hey Seven...?"

The blonde male has been spending the night in Seven's apartment because Seven needed help with tracking some hackers for the RFA

Unfortunately he had been awaken because he heard constant mumbling from the other room and it really bothered him.

He got up from the couch slowly and unsurely and slowly made his way to the other side of the room. His hand hovered over the doorknob as he second guessed himself once again. Was this really a good idea?

He let out a sigh before he unsurely opened the door to Seven's bedroom and peeked in.

The redhead wasn't really sleeping soundly. He was twisting and turning in his bed with a frown on his face. Sweat rolled down his forhead as he continued mumbling.

"No. I can't abandon him, please." He muttered as he turned again.

Yoosung felt his heart contract. He was having a nightmare? It looked like a really bad one too.

He wondered to himself. Should he wake him? Or wait for it to pass? The seconds ticked by as he was thinking but when Seven cried out in his sleep, he immediately rushed to the red head's side.

"Seven, wake up please." The boy whined slightly as he shook him. "Come on."

Seven then slowly blinked his tearful golden eyes awake and he looked at Yoosung.

This was the first time Yoosung saw him without his glasses. And Seven looked a bit different. More sophisticated like this.

"Yoosung? What are you doing here?" He asked his voice trembling slightly as he pushed himself up in a sitting position.

"You were having a nightmare." So I came to wake you." He said his voice sounding like a child as he fixed his gaze on the ground.

"Oh." He was dumbfounded for a second not knowing what to say. "Oh."

"Are you okay?" The young boy asked, concern flashing in his purple eyes.

"Yes." Seven was obviously lying. "Go back to sleep."

"But...Seven." He protested but was cut off.

"Just go back to sleep." He sighed as he turned away from him.

Yoosung hesitated for a second. He didn't want to leave Seven just like that after that nightmare.

"Go Yoosung." Seven called to him without looking back at him.

Yoosung didn't like Seven's stubbornness. So he decided.

"No, I'm staying the night." He said as he slumped down in a chair next to Seven's bed.

"You don't need to though. I'll be fine." Seven said with a sigh. "Just go back to sleep. No need to worry about me."

"I'm not leaving." Yoosung stubbornly stated ad he curled up in a ball on the chair.

"Thank you." Seven muttered but Yoosung couldn't hear it because the tired boy has already fallen asleep.


Next morning he blinked himself awake to see an empty bed before him.

He only remembered bits of last night but he definately didn't remember having a blanket on himself.

He yawned and stretched before walking out of Seven's bedroom to the living room. "Seven?"

The redhead wasn't in the room but appeared from another a few seconds later. "Glad you are awake. Get ready we have work to do."

Yoosung surveyed Seven with a suspicious glance. He acted like nothing happened last night.

He had his peculiar glasses on his nose and his regular hoodie on. He had the same serious expression he did when it came to his job. His red hair was messy as always and his golden eyes sparkled.

Again, nothing like last night at all.

"Did you put this over me?" He held up the red blanket he had found on himself this morning.

"You fell asleep in my chair, I couldn't let you freeze." He scowled slightly ready to turn back.

"Wait! About last night..." Yoosung trailed off not really sure it was a good idea to bring it up or not.

"What about last night?" He asked with a strange expression on his face Yoosung couldn't quite read.

"Well you were having a nightm-." He was just off by Seven immediately.

"Just your imagination. You came to my room asking for a drink." He said turning around and disappearing in the room.

Yoosung stared at the ground in disbelief. Did he really just dream all of it? But it felt so real...

Nightmares (A Yooseven fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now