The Little Kid

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So this is the extra scene that I came up with after I published last chapter but it wouldn't fit into the next chapter but I think it's good idea to have it in so just consider this an extra scene.

Also wanted to see more of Yuki? Well, too bad you are getting him anyways.

Now let's get on with this.

Seven was too preoccupied with trying to rest to hear someone coming in.

He only opened his eyes when he heard a chair scrape across the floor.

"Hm?" He reached for his glasses and put them on just to see a small boy sitting on the chair. He had brown hair and dark blue eyes. He was about to say something but the kid decided to talk first.

"Well I haven't seen you around mister, are you a new patient?" He asked turning to look at him.

Seven blinked a couple of times at the stranger kid before answering. "I had been here for three days. I suppose I will get released today."

The kid nodded. "That means you are fairly new then, too bad you have to go so soon."

Well, Seven definitely hoped to get out soon he wanted to make sure Yoosung was he wanted to go to the hackers. Just the hacker. No unnecessary thoughts about Yoosung...

"What's with the frown?" The kid asked concerned as he scooted closer, well at least tried with the chair.

Seven looked up to him and then just realized that the thoughts of Yoosung made him frown. He quickly put on a smile as he always did. "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"You should quit lying." The kid let out a small sigh as he shook his head. "Are all adults like this? Is this what I will become when I grow up? Just lying to everybody that I am fine when I'm not?"

"Who else lied to you like that?" He asked hoping to change the subject from himself although the fact that the kid must have seen many things in his life concerned him. He didn't want no one to end up like him.

"There was this blonde boy with purple eyes. Boy or a man? I couldn't really grasp it." He shrugged as he looked to the side.

That's definitely Yoosung. He concluded. He was the only man mistaken for a boy.

"He was quite upset with a person he knew. I managed to cheer him up though, that was the least I could do." He said focusing back on Seven.

Well clearly the only person Yoosung would be upset about in the hospital is him. Or did Zen accidentally had an injury and- no, that's just unrealistic. "Oh."

"You knew that person?" The boy stood up to get a closer look at him. "Were you the one who made him cry?"

"No...I mean yes, well kind of yes... but no, well maybe." Seven didn't know if he should just lie or tell the truth so he just stuttered out te sentence like that.

"I'll take that as a yes. What were you fighting about anyways?" The kid asked tilting his head to the side.

"It's complicated. But he shouldn't be near me, I'm a dangerous man. I'll only hurt him. So I have to make sure that doesn't happen." He sighed explaining as much as he could.

"You don't want to hurt him...? Well I may just be a kid but as I can see the person that you are hurting the most is yourself." The kid concluded.

Seven was about to answer when someone threw the door open. "Yuki! What did I say about bothering patients?"

"I wasn't bothering him, we were just having a friendly chat." Yuki calmly answered as a hotel staff entered the room.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr. Choi, Yuki is always like this. I'll take him out if you excuse me." The woman took Yuki by the arm who went with her willingly.

"He is really now bothe-" But the woman already slammed the door shut.

The kid's words burned in the back of his mind. "I know. I know all too well."

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