Ch. 5

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Mark watched his wife as she moved around their waiting room helping dress everyone and work on their cosmetics.  She had her long hair tucked up under her hat and looked so damned cute at the moment.  A song playing on the radio caught her attention and she started singing to it absently.  Their vocals line watched her in silence as she sang to a song released by Taylor Swift called Mine.  She reached for his hand and pulled Mark into her body and danced with him when a slow song started playing.  He hugged her close and whispered, "We didn't get to dance at our wedding party did we?"  She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered, "We didn't need to.  We danced very well later on that night."  He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered, "I will take you on a honeymoon when we have the time, baby."  She nodded and whispered, "I have to quit my jobs."  He chuckled and nodded before whispering, "Call your employers today."  She nodded and said, "I'm supposed to go to work at the call center tonight."  He shook his head and whispered, "Tell them you can't.  Tender your resignation."

"Oppa!  Mark Oppa!"  Jessi stiffened at that unwanted voice.  "Tell me she isn't still part of your life, Jagi."  He sighed and said, "I ended things two months ago, babe.  She is just too damned stubborn to acknowledge it."  Jessi straightened away from Mark and looked at the five girls from Red Velvet as they walked into the waiting room.  Wendy looked at her and sneered, "Still hanging around Mark I see, huh Jessi?"  Jessi hummed and held up her left hand, "I should since I married him, Wendy."  The girl glared and snapped, "Cut the crap, Jessi!  He's my boyfriend."  Mark glared at her and snapped, "We broke up two months ago, Wendy."  Seulgi gasped and looked at the other girl that Mark was holding onto.  "I married Jessi last night in front of our family and friends at my house, Wendy.  We are done, you and I.  So leave me alone and stop seeking me out.  I don't want to see you ever again on a personal level."

"Mark, you don't mean it.  I love you." Wendy pleaded with tears in her eyes.  Her attention went to Jessi who was standing next to Mark leaning into his side.  Anger flashed hotly inside her.  Without thought, she raised her hand and back handed Jessi.  The girl gasped and covered her cheek before pulling off her earrings and hat, "Bitch, I'm gonna fuck you up!"  Mark stepped between them as Irene pulled Wendy out of the room.  A sandal was removed and went flying towards Wendy and hit her in the back of the head, "We are not finished!"  Wendy rubbed the back of her head.  Jackson didn't know if he wanted to laugh or remain quiet.  He had never expected to see their gentle, sweet Jessi come unglued and go after someone like that.  "Good aim, Jessi."  Joy said from the doorway.  JB snickered and collected the sandal from Joy.  "Best keep her clear of us for a while until Jessi calms down."

"Babe!  What was that?"  Mark asked his wife.  Jessi glared at him and snapped, "I don't take that from anyone.  Not anymore."  He sighed and said, "We have to talk about your temper."  She narrowed her eyes, "Keep your former playthings away from me, Mark.  I mean it.  I am sick to death of them rubbing their relationships with you into my face."  He nodded and hugged her tightly, "I love you, babe."  He was shocked, his once sweet-natured Jessi came unglued.  But then, being slapped like she had been would definitely do it.  He didn't blame her one bit for it.  The shoe flying though was hilarious.  Good thing for Wendy it wasn't a knife or something heavier than a sandal.  A deep belly laugh erupted from him as he said, "Baby was so ratchet, taking out her earrings, pulling off her hat like a hood rat and going after her target."  Jessi snorted and then snickered, "I was right?  Complete hood rat."  Mark lifted her face and examined where Wendy slapped her.  He kissed the light bruise appearing on her otherwise flawless face.  "How dare she mar this beautiful face."

Joy was secretly laughing her ass off.  Jessi's sandal came flying and smacked Wendy in the head with precision.  It was lucky for her member that it had been a shoe and not something heavier.  "You really don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?"  Irene asked Wendy.  "He broke up with you and moved on.  He is married, get over it.  I saw how he was with her two years ago, he loved her even then."  Wendy glared at her unni and snapped, "That bitch has been sniffing around him for like ever.  She is worthless and a gold digger."  She would get her revenge on Jessi for stealing her Mark.  That bitch will pay and pay big.  She was going to start a huge scandal that Jessi won't be able to survive from.  It was time that her fans found out that that Jessi was a boyfriend thief and a worthless slut.  She went to her social media and posted a simple comment.  "Mark and I broke up.  I'm so hurt by it.  He slept with an American acquaintance and now she's pregnant and has forced him to marry her.  I can't believe that anyone would do that...I want to stop crying but can't."  Wendy smirked instantly as comments started appearing everywhere.

Mark was checking his twitter account and gasped.  Hateful comments appeared against his Jessi.  He read each one and found the link that one fan posted on his account as well as commenting, "How could you do this to Unni?  Oppa, I am so very disappointed."  He read the comment and cursed.  "Fuck!"  Their managers looked up and moved to him.  They took his phone and read everything.  "Son-of-a-bitch!"  Jessi looked at them and asked, "What is it?"  Mark sighed and said, "Wendy counter-attacked you using social media.  You have a lot of haters right now."  Jessi read the comments feeling sick to her stomach as she sat down on the floor at his feet and pulled her own phone out and started countering everything with one picture of their wedding and three words.  "Was a virgin."  She posted the photo of the condom brand that Mark uses and added, "Used this too...hardly pregnant...nice shot though.  I'm bleeding from the stab wound you inflicted to my heart."  She went to Mark's account and posted this comment, "Mrs. Mark Tuan has been engaged to Mark Tuan since she was five years old.  During the year and a half he dated Red Velvet's Wendy we were debating ending our engagement.  Two months ago he broke up with Wendy.  I had nothing to do with that decision since I was here in California living my life.  Hate me, I expect nothing less, but at least hate me for the right reasons.  I did not steal anyone's boyfriend, he was technically already mine."

JB whistled and said, "Nice attack, Jessi."

"Fight fire with fire, JB ssi."  Jessi informed him.  Mark looked at it and chuckled low.

Bambam posted the video of Jessi and Wendy's confrontation that their film crew had videoed onto his twitter and said, "Evidence that my hyung broke up with Wendy months ago.  My noona was even hit by her.  Now this?  Aghases, IGot7s please don't hate my noona, she's a good person who doesn't deserve your hatred.  She makes my hyung happy."  Jin Young patted his head when he saw the tweet and said, "Good job, Bambam."  They finished their stage preparations and went up on stage while Jessi walked with the staff into Day6's waiting room to work on them.  Jae hugged her tightly for a moment.  "Are you alright?"  She nodded and said, "I should have expected she would pull something like this, oppa."  He shook his head and settled down as she applied his makeup.  "I think I can kiss my debut goodbye now."  He shook his head and said, "You can believe that the company will protect you and Mark."  She shook her head and said, "Not from something this bad.  I will likely be told to stay here in California too."  Tears slipped down her face as she moved to Young K.  Young K gripped her hand and said, "You are going to survive this and come home with us where you belong, Jessi.  Don't think any differently."  She looked down for a moment and then finished his makeup.  She looked up at the flat screen and watched Got7 perform.  "I really wanted to be up there one day with Mark."

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