Ch. 10

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Jessi looked at her stomach, she was just starting to really show her baby bump.  Mark was in Japan with Got7 leaving her alone in their apartment with Coco as company and the puppy he had bought her for company.  He couldn't bring himself to get her a kitten though she really wanted one.  Mark was a definite dog person.  She watched the little Shi Tzu play with Coco and a squeaky toy Mark had bought before leaving.  Her Princess was barking and running around nipping at Coco's ears and tail.  It was funny and cute so she videoed it with her phone and sent the video to Mark and Young Jae along with the caption "Mama's Princess dominates the scene."  Her phone went off almost immediately from all of the boys.  She felt a fluttering inside her tummy and rubbed the baby bump only to feel it again.  A smile appeared and she texted Mark, "I just felt movement, Daddy."  He called her instantly.  She answered as she rubbed her baby.  "I love you, Daddy."  He sighed and asked, "Are you alright?"  She hummed and said, "I felt our son move for the first time.  By the time you get home he will be kicking like a soccer player."  Mark chuckled, "I can hear the babies playing."  Jessi laughed and said, "They have their squeaky out in the middle of the floor.  Princess is more interested in wrestling with Coco than the toy though.  I have to buy you need house slippers when you get home.  They demolished your old set while I was at the doctor's office."  Mark chuckled, "How is house breaking?"  She sighed and said, "I really can't clean it all up well.  Thankfully I was given an assistant.  I have Seung Hoon oppa cleaning after the babies for me everyday.  He comes over to stay with me and is sleeping at the boys' dorm just in case I need something."  Mark sighed in relief.  "I will thank him when we get back.  We will be home the day after tomorrow, baby."  Jessi smiled and said, "Good, I miss you, Daddy."  He hummed, "Me too, baby.  Someone is dying to talk to you.  Hold on."

"Jessi, are you doing alright?"  She heard Young Jae's voice and smiled, "I'm alright, Jae-yah.  I miss my boys."  He hummed, "We will be home soon, kitten.  I will help you with the babies when we get home, alright?  We have time off since you and Mark are on the countdown to delivery."  She hummed looking at her calendar and said, "I have a couple months to go.  I felt the baby move tonight.  It felt amazing."  He gasped and said, "And we missed it?"  She chuckled, "It was deep down, you wouldn't have been able to feel it from the outside.  By the time you get back he should be kicking like a soccer player."  Jae laughed and said, "We have to go, we have one more schedule before we can return to the hotel."  She hummed.  "JB hyung wants to talk to you."  She hummed and waited as JB took the phone and asked if she was alright.  She told him she was fine just lonely with them gone.  "How is my nephew?"  She chuckled and said, "We are fine, oppa.  I am going tomorrow for my next checkup.  We will know what I am carrying tomorrow."  He chuckled and said, "You are an amazing girl, Jessi.  We will call you while on the show in a moment so expect the call."  She hummed and they hung up.  An hour later, a call came in from Japan.

Mark called her from the show, "Hi baby, how are you?"  She chuckled, "I am great, Jagi."  The host of the show introduced himself to her.  In Japanese she responded, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Got7's only princess, Jessi."  Screams from fans could be heard.  "Jessi, we heard the reason you couldn't make it tonight is because you are too pregnant to fly safely here."  She chuckled and said, "So true.  JB Oppa will tell you that Mark's super soldiers entrenched to grow reinforcements.  Our new trooper is about ready to come into the world."  More laughter.  Mark was likely covering his face.  "We had to name it super soldiers, huh?"  She laughed and said, "I didn't name it, babe.  Blame JB oppa, he nicknamed your essence not me."  The host laughed and said, "I like how you call his sperm anything and everything except what it is."  She laughed and said, "Censorship here is touchy so we watch our words closely."  He laughed and asked, "When are you due to deliver?"  She smiled and said, "In less than four months."  The door opened and Seung Hoon walked in with food.  "Seung Hoon oppa just walked in with my dinner and our movie snack.  We have taken to binge watching Dramas together in the evenings while the boys are away."  Laughter and then she was asked by Jin Young, "What are you watching now, Jessi?"  She cocked her head and said, "Six Flying Dragons."  He gasped and asked, "Is it good?"  She hummed and said, "The lead actor is gorgeous."  Mark growled, "Your husband is gorgeous."  She hummed and said, "I know.  It's to be expected though, I am gorgeous even with me being swelled up like a gourd."  Everyone laughed, "You are beautiful, baby."  Mark told her.  "Mark, we can't have sex again until three months after our trooper is born.  So your sweet talk isn't getting you anywhere right now."  Laughter filled the studio at her blunt speaking.  He even laughed, "So mean, yeobo.  There are other things you could do for me."  She laughed and said, "We will negotiate later."  He laughed again as did all of Got7.  The host chuckled and said, "It was nice speaking to you, Jessi.  I look forward to meeting you in person next time."  She hummed and said, "I will see you soon.  Thanks for supporting Got7, and having them on your show, fighting!"  They ended the call.  

Seung Hoon handed her the food and watched as she devoured her chicken and deokbokki even going as far as dipping her chicken into the spicy sauce.  He shook his head and wiped her mouth.  " slowly, mama."  She hummed and said, "Our trooper was hungry, oppa.  He wanted chicken and deokbokki really badly."

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