Ch. 13

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The Return of Superman

Jessi watched as Mark took care of their son and hung out with the other Dads on the show. He has become more confident as a parent and more hands on now that he has taken this role. Jessi went to work more frequently going to her solo schedules with more comfort and ease being away from Nicky now that Mark was tending to him and filming with him more and more. Their appearance on the show was a good idea. She was talking to their teenage fans and encouraging them to wait to have a family until later on. It was really hard on her to maintain a career as an idol and be a new mom too. Even harder not having any family there to help with things got real for her and Mark. JYP loved watching her son and more often than not stole him from Mark when he too had to work. Jessi would often find him holding Nicky, holding long conversations with the infant, and taking her son out shopping for new clothes, toys, and blankets. JYP really loved spoiling her son. She smiled watching her boss carry her baby into his office with several blue baby bags in hand and a couple pink ones too for his new infant daughter. He was a great dad and even better godfather to Nicky.

Nich Khun was another man that spoiled her son mercilessly. She would find gifts for Nicky often in his play pen in JYP's office whenever she would go in and retrieve her son. Even Got7 spoiled their new "maknae" with plushies, awesome new outfits...courtesy of Bambam and Young Jae...and adorable shoes. She was looking for the day her precious bundle of joy started dabbing like his uncles and saying, "I'm out" or whispering "JYP" whenever saying something or singing something. JB was already trying to teach him to say JB.

Mark found it hilarious as did the viewers of the show.  Jessi laughed often at the comments left on their Instagram account and laughed at Mark's responses.  But the quiet months were coming to an end as the date for their comeback swiftly approached.  The release of their second installment of their Flight Log trilogy was in a couple days.  They were busy filming the MV and holding their photo shoot for the photo book accompanying the album.  Mrs. Park collected Nicky from Jessi the night before the shooting started and promised to give him back the evening after.  It was the first evening they would be apart and that scared Jessi a little.  Mark took the chance to make love to her, the first time since she delivered Nicky three months ago.

Mark sat on their bed, the box of condoms Seung Hoon had purchased earlier sitting on the nightstand.  Jessi walked into their bedroom from their bathroom and raised a brow at seeing him seated with a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else.  She smirked and prowled towards him slowly, "Feeling frisky, daddy?"  Mark cocked his head towards the spot beside him and smiled, "Get that ass over here, Kitten."  She laughed, "Wow, very romantic.  That just makes me want to give it up."
"Prove it." He growled as she straddled him feeling his interest rise up beneath her as she rubbed against him. Mark kissed her deeply, his hands traveling the length of her hair from scalp to tip and then lower cupping her butt to drag her closer to him.  God how he loved her.  "I've missed this, baby.  I've missed you even though you sleep every night beside me.  Having Nicky has been a handful and has definitely placed a damper on our alone time."  She nodded and kissed him deeply.  "I love you, babe.  You have me all night."  He chuckled and started nibbling on her throat and then along her collarbone.  "You smell delicious.  Did you change your soap?"  She hummed and said, "I discovered this great shop not far from JYP that sells homemade soaps, shampoos, and lotions.  I bought Jasmine and Cherry Blossom scented soaps, shampoos, and lotions."  He hummed and whispered, "We should get Mom and my sisters each a set from there for Christmas.  I want to fly home for the holidays this year, baby."  She nodded and hummed, "Nicky is old enough to take on a plane."  They had to survive promotions for Hard Carry.  They were also filming their tour series and Nicky was going with them.  She was excited about that.  

Mark slipped on a condom and out of his towel just as Jessi removed her pajamas and drank him in.  He was in no mood for foreplay and went straight in for his dessert.  She laughed and then gasped when he sank inside her slowly not wanting to hurt her since she was just now really starting to heal after giving birth to their amazing son.  She cried out as he rocked her hard and kissed her deeply.  His phone started ringing as they were close to finishing each other off.  Mark ignored it for the most part until she came and he joined her.  She was laying contently on his chest when the phone started ringing again, "Hello?"

"Unlock your door, son.  We are tired."  Mark growled, grabbed his clothes, dressed quickly and warned Jessi, "My parents are here."  She started laughing as she dressed.  "They sure know when we are busy."  He laughed with her as they walked out of their room and he answered the door.  His dad looked at him and chuckled low as Jessi winked and headed into the kitchen.  "Where is my grandson?"  She chuckled and said, "Mrs. Park stole him since we have a long busy day tomorrow.  We have our photoshoot and MV shoot for Hard Carry tomorrow, Papa."  He chuckled and said, "Call your boss and tell him we are here and want to take our grandbaby around Seoul while you kids work."  She hummed and texted JYP.  He responded ten minutes later with the agreement and said to her that he would bring Nicky in with him.  She agreed and told her mother-in-law, "JYP Nim will bring Nicky in the morning to work.  You and Papa can steal him from the salon."  She nodded and hugged her as she said, "Mark's cologne these days is much nicer."  Mark chuckled and said, "My wife shops for me now.  She didn't like my last scent and changed it."  Jessi winked and said, "You smell nicer this way, babe."  He kissed her neck and whispered, "You smell nice this way, baby.  A little bit of Mark rubbed all over you."  She laughed and slapped his stomach, "Behave."  His parents laughed at her as she headed into the kitchen once more to make the tea she had set up to brew.

She sat down and explained about the hidden areas in her living room and said, "Mark is filming The Return of Superman, a show showing how famous, busy dads swing their careers and raising their children.  I am seldom filmed thank God."  Dorine laughed and hugged her tightly as they settled down for a visit before Jessi cleaned up the guest room making it with fresh sheets and blankets.  Dorine looked around and said, "You keep this place spotless, Jessi."  Jessi nodded and said, "I was on maternity leave for a while and kept the place up sterilizing everything and then maintaining it."  Dorine nodded and settled down on the bed with a tired sigh, "As many times as I've made the flight to and from Seoul, it don't get easier."  Jessi nodded and said, "I hear you, Mom."

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