Ch. 11

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Mark was in the US on Got7's Fly Tour.  Just great, she thought as she moved around their apartment slowly.  She was out of sorts today, her lower back hurt, her feet were swollen and she was tired from a lack of sleep the night before.  Her body had hurt off and on all night.  Seung Hoon walked in from work and told her, "The boss is sending over a caretaker for you, I have to fly out to LA and meet up with No Young hyung and the boys.  There is trouble brewing."  She nodded and said, "Sure, abandon me too.  I'll just be here all swollen and miserable while my husband and his friends have a great time in LA with our old friends."  She moved towards the kitchen and gasped when a sharp pain sliced through her body.  She moaned and gripped the back of a chair tightly.  She heard the door close a moment later.  She gasped again as another pain sliced through her.  

Jessi called JYP's secretary.  "Unni, help me."  Jessi cried as she slipped down onto the tiled floor rubbing her belly.  "What's wrong, sweetie?"  Jessi cried and said, "I'm alone and I think the baby is on the way."  She heard a gasp and then her screaming at JYP.  "PD Nim, Jessi is in labor!  Seung Hoon left for the airport already!  She's alone in the apartment!"  Jessi cried and moaned in pain just before a deep masculine voice stated, "Jessi, it's Taec oppa, sweetheart, I am on the way to you.  Hyung nim gave me your passcode.  Where exactly are you?"  She cried and sobbed, "Kitchen, oppa, hurry please!  I'm so scared."  He hummed and the line was passed back to the secretary.

Taec Yeon, Nichkhun and Jun.K walked into her apartment and found her leaning against her kitchen cabinet crying and rubbing her belly.  Taec helped her to her feet and gasped when her water broke all over the tile floor, "Ok, baby girl, it's the real thing.  We are going to the hospital.  Khun will drive us there swiftly."  She nodded and leaned into his body as he walked her slowly down to their car.  Jun. K retrieved her bag from her room with all of her information in it as well as a her identification cards and work papers.  Taec settled her into the backseat and sat next to her as Jun.K called Mark.  "Yah, dongsaeng, your sweet little wife is in labor!"  Jessi cried out and gripped Taecyeon's hand screaming out, "Khun oppa, tell him to just stay over there!  Making me do this alone!  I hate him!"  Jun. K chuckled and asked Mark, "Did you hear your wife?  She is really mad at you right now."

They made it to the hospital in record time and settled Jessi in her room.  Jun. K spoke to Mark for a little while longer before hanging up on him when the doctor came in with his staff of nurses.  He examined Jessi and smiled encouragingly, "We are doing great, Jessi girl.  You are already six centimeters dilated.  Four more and we can get this kid out of you."  She moaned and nodded as another contraction sliced through her.  "Where is Mark?"  She growled and snapped, "In LA on tour with our group.  He left me here to deliver by myself, the lying bastard.  Mr. I'll be back in time, babe.  Liar!"  Jun.K chuckled and said, "Give him hell when he gets back, babe.  Oppa will help you."  She gasped and screamed as a sharper contraction sliced through her.  Dr. Kim checked her again and nodded, "A little longer, kiddo.  I need to get your paperwork started for your stay.  I will be back shortly."  She nodded and held onto the men around her.  The other three members arrived with JYP and with two of the ladies from Miss A.

Fei smiled at her and held her hand as Nich Khun gratefully relinquished his hold on her.  "She nearly broke my hand, hyung."  JYP chuckled and nodded as he settled down in a chair across from her.  She looked at him and said, "I am killing him when he gets home, oppa nim.  I will cut his little thing off for this."  Everyone laughed and nodded as she raged and panted.  An hour later and she was ready to deliver.  JYP stayed with her as did the girls though 2PM went out to the waiting room.

Nich Khun watched the announcement board and cheer when her name came up and the word Prince appeared, "She delivered a little boy!"  JYP walked into the waiting room with a huge smile on his face, "We have a healthy bouncy baby boy!  He's adorable too."  JYP grinned and called Mark's house in LA.  "Hey Raymond, it's Jin Young, she delivered a beautiful baby boy."  He chuckled and said, "I'll send a car to the airport to get all of you.  She's sleeping, the poor darling was in labor all of last night and well into this morning and didn't realize it until her water broke and she started having serious contractions.  Seung Hoon was snagged before he could leave for the airport.  He's at the apartment getting it all cleaned up."  He chuckled and looked at 2PM before saying, "2PM to the rescue.  The boys went and got her and drove her and her bag to the hospital in record time."  

A nurse appeared and smiled at them, "She's ready for visitors as is the little prince."  Everyone walked back into her suite to find her holding her son and cooing down at him.  Khun moved to her side and looked down at the handsome baby and said, "Thank God, he looks like his mother."  She chuckled and pressed a kiss to the baby's brow.  "He's beautiful, right?"  Khun nodded and smoothed a hand down his head and whispered, "What are you naming him?"  She grinned and said, "Nicky, after his uncle Nich Khun who drove us to the hospital like he was driving a race car."  Khun chuckled and nodded, "A great name."  She smiled and said, "Nicky Zi Yan Tuan."  Khun kissed her head and whispered, "You did great, baby girl."  She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Would you like to hold your nephew?"  He nodded and accepted him from her gently.  Taecyeon took pictures of them and shot them to Mark's phone.  He also moved in closer for closer pictures of the baby and shared them with everyone in the company.  "Our little Prince Nicky Zi Yan Tuan, isn't he gorgeous?"  A few hours later, she started getting visitors from all her seniors and a few of the training staff as well as members of Twice and Day6.  Jo Kwon walked in around four with a nice healthy dinner for her and cooed over Nicky while she ate.

"He's so beautiful, Jessi."  Jo Kwon told her.  She smiled, Jo Kwon was one of her favorite people.  "Oppa, you look so happy right now."  He grinned and said, "I am with one of my favorite peeps holding her brand new angel in my arms.  You have been a good friend to me ever since you entered the company, baby girl.  I appreciate that.  Not many have been so warm and accepting."  She smiled and said, "I love you too, oppa."

It was two in the afternoon the next day before Mark, Got7, and her in-laws arrived at the hospital.  She was sitting up in bed laughing and talking with Suzy and Min when the boys walked in ahead of Raymond and Dorine Tuan.  She looked at Mark and smiled gently as he moved to the crib where their son was sleeping.  He grinned and lifted the sleeping baby up and carried him towards her so he could lean down and press a kiss to her mouth.  "He's beautiful, baby.  You did good."  She narrowed her eyes and whispered, "If I have to deliver the next one without you, Jagiya, I will kill you."  He nodded and kissed her again.  "I love you, baby."  She nodded and smoothed her hand across his face.  His parents walked in and oohed over the baby before Mrs. Tuan took him from her son.  "What did you name him, Jessi?"  She smiled and said, "Nicky Zi Yan Tuan.  His Uncle Nich Khun drove us to the hospital so he could be born."  Mark grinned and nodded, "I like it, babe.  I name the next one though."  She nodded and said, "Provided you are with me.  If not, I will name him or her after another member of 2PM."  Everyone laughed at her words.  She looked up when her doctor came in and chuckled, "Dad finally made it?"  Jessi hummed and asked, "When do we go home?"  He chuckled, "Now, I am discharging you.  You have people to help you at home and you will mend faster in your own environment."  She nodded and watched as his staff brought paperwork to her.

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