Ch. 6

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Breaking News: This was just confirmed.  Got7 lead rapper and flying member, Mark Tuan is married!  Meet Mrs. Tuan.  This is Jessica Liu, a twenty year old dancer and customer service representative in LA.  The marriage was the product of an arranged marriage agreement between Mark's father and hers.

Now trending, Mrs. Tuan is being victimized by Red Velvet fans after a post from member Wendy to her Instagram and Twitter account accusing the twenty year old American of stealing Mark from her.  She also claimed that the reason Mark married her was because she was pregnant.

Pregnancy rumors proven false.  Mrs. Tuan underwent a complete physical at Seoul University Hospital this afternoon after signing a trainee contract with JYP Entertainment.  The twenty year old dancer has passed all three auditions.  Mark even went as far as to explain that they use protection during intercourse because neither is ready to be a parent.

Jessi read the headlines and stories talking about her over breakfast.  Mark was seated in front of her playing on his iPad.  "You are winning the war against Wendy, Babe."  He told her as he sipped his coffee.  She hummed and said, "Your fans are pulling through for us.  I need to thank them at the next fan meeting."  He hummed and asked, "What would you like to do?"  She cocked her head and said, "Prepare special gift bags."  He grinned and said, "That can be arranged.  We can put snacks together and give out cool drinks too."  She hummed and nibbled on her toast.  "That reminds me, I have a photo shoot scheduled tomorrow.  JYP nim wants me to build my portfolio and sit down with his style consultants."  JB walked into their kitchen and smiled, "Good morning, all."  Jessi smiled and poured him a juice and fixed him a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.  "Good morning, oppa."  He sat down and accepted the food, "This looks delicious, Jessi."  She smiled and settled down in her chair once more and said, "I need to visit the salon today, Mark.  Can I cut my hair?"  He looked up at her and said, "Nothing too drastic, I like running my fingers through it."  She smiled and nodded, "Ok."

JB looked at her and said, "Got7's stylist is taking you, right?"  She hummed and said, "I was told yesterday.  It's in advance of the shoot."  He chuckled and said, "You still haven't figured anything out, have you?"  She cocked her head cutely and asked, "Figured what out, oppa?"  JB chuckled and said, "You are being added to Got7.  It's why you are building your portfolio and getting a consult from our stylist."  She shook her head, "No way.  Why would a girl be added to a boy group, JB oppa?  Has the hair dye finally made you daft?"  Mark started laughing at his cute wife's comment.  Only Jessi would tweak JB like that and get away with it.  JB eyed her for a moment and said, "I am letting that one slide since you are adorable and likely experiencing hormones.  I'm sure Mark's super soldiers have discovered a weakness in the latex at this point."  Mark gasped and said, "Don't bring my soldiers into your verbal war with my very sexy, talented, and amazing wife."  She patted his cheek lovingly, "Good boy."  He grinned, "Does daddy get a treat?"  She laughed and kissed his mouth.  JB sighed and said, "I need a girlfriend."  She nodded and said, "A lack of sex is why you are a little bitch most of the time."  JB gasped at her and said, "You had to go there."  She nodded and cupped his face gently, "JB, your hand can only do so much for you.  Stop with the self pleasure before you sprain your wrist."  Mark fell out of his chair laughing at her as she stood up and started cleaning the kitchen.  Laughter from the doorway brought attention to the other five as they came into her and Mark's apartment which happened to be across the hall from the main dorm.  Jessi finished her work and walked into her bedroom to get ready to go in with the boys.

Mark walked in as she was pulling on her leggings beneath her sweater.  She packed a workout bag and toiletries bag.  He kissed her and moaned against her mouth before she slipped out of his reach and whispered, "Later, daddy."  He nodded and took his shower before getting ready for work.  She walked into the room and saw Young Jae perched on JB's lap with his arm wrapped around the older male's neck.  "I totally ship you two."  Bambam laughed and then said, "Ewww."  She shook her head and said, "Pipe down, midget.  You and Yugyeom snuggle all the time so I don't want to hear it."  JB nodded and high fived her.  "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?  You have been moodly lately."  She leaned down and whispered, "I was on my period, JB.  Now I'm not."  He blushed as she moved away and kissed Young Jae's cheek.  "Your boyfriend is a little dense, sweetie."  Young Jae laughed and nodded as she walked out ahead of them after Mark headed out of his room.

JYP watched the eight walk inside together.  Jessi was no longer being harassed by fans outside the company and her ratings were rising as she films Real Got7 with the boys.  Fans were not calling her Got7's Jessi.  "Fans are actually calling for her addition to the group now that she and Mark have been so open about their relationship.  Pictures of them out shopping together or going out on dates together have been appearing all over the place.  They are drawing attention to JYP and Got7."  JYP nodded and grinned, "Which was why I was all for their marriage and her addition to the team.  U-kiss's Eli coming out about his wife and her pregnancy didn't hurt his career and has brought attention to U-kiss."  No Young smiled and asked, "When do you intend to tell her she will be debuting as a member of Got7?"  JYP grinned and said, "Today, at the meeting."

JYP looked at the eight artists and said, "Alright, you are having a comeback this fall.  Here is the music sheets, and music is on the thumb drive.  JB, the parts were split between the eight of you.  Having five vocalists worked out perfectly.  Young Jae, we are splitting responsibility as Main Vocalist between you, Jin Youngie, and Jessi now.  Yugyeom you and JB will be more support this album.  JB's throat needs to rest and heal."  JB nodded and said, "It has been sore lately."  Jessi reached into her bag and handed over a pouch of honey medicine for sore throats.  "JB-ah, eat these.  They help."  He examined the packet and nodded before popping one in his mouth and humming, "Honey is good for the throat."  She nodded and said, "I will make you honey tea later as well.  It will be good for you."  Mark smiled as she crossed her leg and then looked at JYP, "It's so nice that you told me at last that I have been added as a member, sajangnim."  He laughed and said, "I know, right?"  She chuckled and said, "JB pointed it all out this morning over toast and eggs."

Jin Young looked at the others and said, "Have you guys noticed that JB hyung has been spending more time at Mark's place lately?  He doesn't even fix us breakfast anymore."  She raised a brow and looked at JB before asking, "JB-ah, did you decide to abandon the babies?"  He leaned back and said, "I thought to myself, I could have a nice cup of coffee, a plate of American breakfast with two amazing people, or I can fight for the juice, cook toast and whatever for the brats.  You won hands down."  Mark smirked and said, "The problem with your line of thought is that it has cut into my happy time.  She used to laze around with me in the morning and let me get frisky.  Now, she gets up and makes a large breakfast because she knows that brother-in-law will want to come in for coffee, breakfast, and a morning meeting."  Mark sighed and said, "I miss morning cuddle time."  She looked at her husband and sighed sadly, "Poor neglected husband.  His life is so hard now that his wife no longer permits morning cuddle time and morning sex.  She needs to take care of the kids.  Best get used to that, big boy.  When we actually have kids your nocturnal activities where I am concerned will be limited too."  JYP laughed and nodded.  "She is right, Mark.  Since my wife got pregnant, we haven't as often."  Jessi reached into her bag and handed him a small gift bag, "Would you pass this to Mrs. Park?  She and I had a long conversation not too long ago and I told her I would bring her some of my samples so she could try them."  He looked in the bag and smiled before nodding.  "These are organic?"  She nodded and said, "I only use fresh organic ingredients.  Nothing but the best."  He tried one and hummed, "These are the same as the ones you gave Jackson?"  She nodded and grinned, "He has a whole new tin of them.  I made them fresh last night."

Jessi made her own throat medicine and candies.  Mark grinned and said, "She has been experimenting with mints now too.  I tried one she made last night and it was great."  She nodded and reached into her bag and pulled out a small tin and offered one to Young Jae.  Young Jae tried it and smiled before saying, "It's delicious.  This is why you have an herb garden on your patio?"  She nodded and grinned, "I am raising different ingredients myself.  I bought a few strawberry plants over the weekend and am attempting to raise strawberries."  JYP reached for a mint and tried it.  "Wow, this is refreshing and light at the same time.  Not as overpowering as most mints."  She nodded and admitted, "Most mints have menthol in them.  I used actual mint and peppermint in them.  It makes the difference.  I will be experimenting with Spearmint soon.  I ordered some seeds from the nursery Mark and I found."

"What sweeteners are you using?"  JYP asked.  She grinned, "Honey mostly, and pure cane sugar."  JB smiled as he sipped his tea.  "I like the flavor of your medicine, Jessi."  She winked at him and said, "Good, I made a syrup to place in tea also.  I will bring you a jar.  You just mix in one tea spoon of it into your hot tea or hot water."

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