Tord?! Pt.

145 2 8

Tom's POV
This guy did seem familiar, even though he had never know a guy with as big of a beard as him. His face was scared on one side and he seemed blind in that eye. Who would I know that had war scars like this? They had to be war scars. Wait, what if it was... No, he hated me. If he was here he would be killing ne this instant. I decided to lighten the mood.
"So where are you from?"
"But which country?"
"I'd rather not tell." I started to catch on, I know who this is.
"Well, I should put some music on!" I went over to my speaker and played the song which would confirm my suspensions. I don't know if you know this but the song starts of with bum ba da, bum ba da,

Yes it was him. His face was hilarious, in a mixture of uncomfortableness, death, and insanity.
"Well welcome back commie" I ripped his fake beard off his face.
"Tord, how did this happen?"
"Well um, ya know that giant robot explosion?"
I did this?! How could.. I-I don't, Tord?

MWAHAHA you'll have to wait till next time... Yes I am a horrible writer and I really don't know if I'll continue this set of stories.

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