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I'm sorry for being a butt face and not really updating alot...

Tord's Pov
I had gazed upon the autumn colored door that led to Edd's Apartment. The crimson shade of red seeming comfortable and inviting. I had just gotten back from the store, I don't see why Edd can do these chores. He still has both limbs, and a uncharted police record, and a face. A perfect face, so undeniable and plump. With his chocolate hair and hazel eyes, he would be stared at, but not for being a monster as I am, but beautiful. Blegh, why did my mind have to train off like this? I seem like an idiot here standing at his door, well, our door since I've been living with Edd for the past couple months. Tom wouldn't let me in, ha like I would EVER live with him, Matt had alot of space but I'm not that comfortable with mirrors and Matt statues surrounding me when I sleep.

I open the door with my spare keys. Heh, spare keys, that sounds nice. I looked around our place, the palette of bright whites and cool colors seems relaxing to me. I laid the groceries on the counter and started putting them away. Once I stuffed the whole bags of groceries in the cupboards I went into our bedroom. We shared a room, but not in the way I would have wanted to. Edd has his bed and I had mine. Annoying right? What's the purpose of rooming with a snuggly marshmallow if you can't cuddle?!

I saw Edd on my bed, why in the world was he there? He even had the bigger bed. Ugh, did I have to do everything myself? I gently picked him up like a mother would her child, and laid him in his. He looked so peaceful and quiet, meh, it couldn't hurt. I laid down beside him cuddling him. I wraped my arm around his hips and sniffed his dark brown locks.

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